Guide to Genetics: Difference between revisions

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(Adds Hulk anchor)
(Adds anchors to all mutations)
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!Space Adaptation
!Space Adaptation {{anchor|Space Adaptation}}
|This makes the subject resistant to cold and lack of pressure, effectively allowing it to survive in space (they still have to wear internals, however). This will not make them immune to fire.
|This makes the subject resistant to cold and lack of pressure, effectively allowing it to survive in space (they still have to wear internals, however). This will not make them immune to fire.
|Subject has a pulsating orange-blueish "aura".
|Subject has a pulsating orange-blueish "aura".
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!Telekinesis {{anchor|Telekinesis}}
|This power allows the subject to control things with their mind from far away. It is the most sought after power, since it allows for incredible deeds and makes a strong robuster nearly immortal. To use it, switch to the Grab intent, switch to an empty hand, and click on an object. A circle symbol will appear underneath the object and in your hand and you can now control the object. You can also use any console from a distance.
|This power allows the subject to control things with their mind from far away. It is the most sought after power, since it allows for incredible deeds and makes a strong robuster nearly immortal. To use it, switch to the Grab intent, switch to an empty hand, and click on an object. A circle symbol will appear underneath the object and in your hand and you can now control the object. You can also use any console from a distance.
|Appears as a blue glow around the subject's head.
|Appears as a blue glow around the subject's head.
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!Nervousness {{anchor|Nervousness}}
|Makes the subject stammer. Annoying at best.
|Makes the subject stammer. Annoying at best.
|Subject stammers when they speak.
|Subject stammers when they speak.
Line 179: Line 179:
!Epilepsy {{anchor|Epilepsy}}
|Subject randomly falls down and keeps shaking. Horrible and with no easy cure short of fixing the block.
|Subject randomly falls down and keeps shaking. Horrible and with no easy cure short of fixing the block.
|Subject falls down and begins shaking.
|Subject falls down and begins shaking.
Line 186: Line 186:
!Cough {{anchor|Cough}}
|Makes the subject drop small items you're holding, like syringes. Pretty harmless, but has potential to be extremely annoying.
|Makes the subject drop small items you're holding, like syringes. Pretty harmless, but has potential to be extremely annoying.
|Subject coughs.
|Subject coughs.
Line 193: Line 193:
!Dwarfism {{anchor|Dwarfism}}
|Turns the subject into a manlet, making them unusually shorter than the rest of the crew. Dwarfs can pass over tables without stopping.
|Turns the subject into a manlet, making them unusually shorter than the rest of the crew. Dwarfs can pass over tables without stopping.
|Subject looks smaller.
|Subject looks smaller.
Line 200: Line 200:
!Gigantism {{anchor|Gigantism}}
|The cells within the subject spread out to cover more area, making them appear larger.
|The cells within the subject spread out to cover more area, making them appear larger.
|Subject looks larger.
|Subject looks larger.
Line 207: Line 207:
!Clumsiness {{anchor|Clumsiness}}
|Subject has a clown-like clumsiness. For those that have always wanted to be clowns. It makes the subject accidentally drop things they hold, unable to use tasers or handcuffs, and guns explode in their face.
|Subject has a clown-like clumsiness. For those that have always wanted to be clowns. It makes the subject accidentally drop things they hold, unable to use tasers or handcuffs, and guns explode in their face.
|No indicators.
|No indicators.
Line 214: Line 214:
!Tourette's Syndrome
!Tourette's Syndrome {{anchor|Tourette's Syndrome}}
|The subject swears all the time. They may also experience paralysis that takes even longer than seizures. Avoid.
|The subject swears all the time. They may also experience paralysis that takes even longer than seizures. Avoid.
|Subject curses out loudly and twitches.
|Subject curses out loudly and twitches.
Line 221: Line 221:
!Deafness {{anchor|Deafness}}
|Makes the subject deaf. Harmless at best, annoying at worst. You just don't hear anything, not even yourself.
|Makes the subject deaf. Harmless at best, annoying at worst. You just don't hear anything, not even yourself.
|No indicators.
|No indicators.
Line 228: Line 228:
!Blindness {{anchor|Blindness}}
|Subject goes completely blind, becoming a part of a usually forgotten minority. How sad.
|Subject goes completely blind, becoming a part of a usually forgotten minority. How sad.
|Subject's eyes don't react to penlight.
|Subject's eyes don't react to penlight.
Line 235: Line 235:
!Monkified {{anchor|Monkified}}
|Turns the subject into a monkey.
|Turns the subject into a monkey.
|Subject turns into a monkey.
|Subject turns into a monkey.
Line 242: Line 242:
!Near Sightedness
!Near Sightedness {{anchor|Near Sightedness}}
|Makes the subject's screen go hazy at about halfway from the edge of your whole vision. Can be temporarily fixed by using prescription glasses.
|Makes the subject's screen go hazy at about halfway from the edge of your whole vision. Can be temporarily fixed by using prescription glasses.
Line 249: Line 249:
!Wacky {{anchor|Wacky}}
|Forces the subject to talk in an odd manner.
|Forces the subject to talk in an odd manner.
|No indicators.
|No indicators.
Line 256: Line 256:
!Mute {{anchor|Mute}}
|Completely shuts down the speech center of the subject's brain.
|Completely shuts down the speech center of the subject's brain.
|No indicators.
|No indicators.
Line 263: Line 263:
!Smile {{anchor|Smile}}
|Causes the speech center of the subject's brain to produce large amounts of seratonin and a chemical resembling ecstacy when engaged. Bad words will be replaced with happy alternatives.
|Causes the speech center of the subject's brain to produce large amounts of seratonin and a chemical resembling ecstacy when engaged. Bad words will be replaced with happy alternatives.
|No indicators.
|No indicators.
Line 270: Line 270:
!Unintelligible {{anchor|Unintelligible}}
|Heavily corrupts the part of the brain responsible for forming spoken sentences, causing the subject to only be able to speak short sentences.
|Heavily corrupts the part of the brain responsible for forming spoken sentences, causing the subject to only be able to speak short sentences.
|No indicators.
|No indicators.
Line 277: Line 277:
!Swedish {{anchor|Swedish}}
|Forces the language center of the subject's brain to construct sentences in a vaguely norse manner.
|Forces the language center of the subject's brain to construct sentences in a vaguely norse manner.
|No indicators.
|No indicators.
Line 284: Line 284:
!Chav {{anchor|Chav}}
|Forces the language center of the subject's brain to construct sentences in a more rudimentary manner.
|Forces the language center of the subject's brain to construct sentences in a more rudimentary manner.
|No indicators.
|No indicators.
Line 291: Line 291:
!Radioactivity {{anchor|Radioactivity}}
|Subject radiates energy from their skin. They're just as susceptible to it as anyone else.
|Subject radiates energy from their skin. They're just as susceptible to it as anyone else.
|Subject glows with a green aura.
|Subject glows with a green aura.
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!Glowy {{anchor|Glowy}}
|Gives the subject a faint glow.
|Gives the subject a faint glow.
|Subject glows.
|Subject glows.
Line 305: Line 305:
!Anti-Glow {{anchor|Anti-Glow}}
|Surrounds the subject in darkness.
|Surrounds the subject in darkness.
|The area around the subject appears dark.
|The area around the subject appears dark.
Line 312: Line 312:
!Telepathy {{anchor|Telepathy}}
|Subject is able to broadcast it's thoughts directly to others.
|Subject is able to broadcast it's thoughts directly to others.
|No indicators.
|No indicators.
Line 319: Line 319:
!Fire Breath
!Fire Breath {{anchor|Fire Breath}}
|Subject becomes able to breathe concentrated balls of fire.
|Subject becomes able to breathe concentrated balls of fire.
|No indicators.
|No indicators.
Line 326: Line 326:
!Void Magnet
!Void Magnet {{anchor|Void Magnet}}
|You have the power to make yourself mostly invincible for a brief period at the cost of being unable to move. You will also enter this state randomly and against your will.
|You have the power to make yourself mostly invincible for a brief period at the cost of being unable to move. You will also enter this state randomly and against your will.
|No indicators.
|No indicators.
Line 333: Line 333:
!Strength {{anchor|Strength}}
|Subject feels stronger. You can carry people faster.
|Subject feels stronger. You can carry people faster.
|No indicators.
|No indicators.
Line 340: Line 340:
!Fiery Sweat
!Fiery Sweat {{anchor|Fiery Sweat}}
|Subject sweats liquid fire and grows slightly more resistent to fire.
|Subject sweats liquid fire and grows slightly more resistent to fire.
|Subject will spontaneously combust.
|Subject will spontaneously combust.
Line 347: Line 347:
!Antenna {{anchor|Antenna}}
|The Affected person sprouts an antenna. This is known to allow them to access all radio channels passively.
|The Affected person sprouts an antenna. This is known to allow them to access all radio channels passively.
|An antenna is visible on the user's head.
|An antenna is visible on the user's head.
Line 354: Line 354:
!Paranoia {{anchor|Paranoia}}
|Subject is easily terrified, and may suffer from hallucinations.
|Subject is easily terrified, and may suffer from hallucinations.
|Subject screams frequently.
|Subject screams frequently.
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!Mind Reader
!Mind Reader {{anchor|Mind Reader}}
|The affected person can look into the recent memories of others. This will reveal the true name of the target, the intent of the target, and some snippets of what the target has said in the past. Tin foil is known to block this power.
|The affected person can look into the recent memories of others. This will reveal the true name of the target, the intent of the target, and some snippets of what the target has said in the past. Tin foil is known to block this power.
|An antenna is visible on the user's head.
|An antenna is visible on the user's head.
Line 368: Line 368:
!Insulated {{anchor|Insulated}}
|This makes you shock resistant, not unlike wearing a pair of insulated gloves.
|This makes you shock resistant, not unlike wearing a pair of insulated gloves.
|The subject does not conduct electricity.
|The subject does not conduct electricity.
Line 375: Line 375:
!Shock Touch
!Shock Touch {{anchor|Shock Touch}}
|This gives you a power that charges your hand with electricity. Use it on somebody to give them a good shock, which will do burn damage and large amounts of jittering and confusion.
|This gives you a power that charges your hand with electricity. Use it on somebody to give them a good shock, which will do burn damage and large amounts of jittering and confusion.
|No indicators.
|No indicators.
Line 382: Line 382:
!Transcendent Olfaction
!Transcendent Olfaction {{anchor|Transcendent Olfaction}}
|This power lets you track people by scent. Hold something in your hand and use the power to look for a scent on it. Use the power without holding anything and you'll track the scent you previously found.
|This power lets you track people by scent. Hold something in your hand and use the power to look for a scent on it. Use the power without holding anything and you'll track the scent you previously found.
|No indicators.
|No indicators.
Line 389: Line 389:
!Acidic Flesh
!Acidic Flesh {{anchor|Acidic Flesh}}
|Subject's skin bubbles due to acid buildup. This is often fatal.
|Subject's skin bubbles due to acid buildup. This is often fatal.
|No indicators.
|No indicators.
Line 396: Line 396:
!Spatial Instability
!Spatial Instability {{anchor|Spatial Instability}}
|The victim of the mutation has a very weak link to spatial reality, and may be displaced. Often causes extreme nausea.
|The victim of the mutation has a very weak link to spatial reality, and may be displaced. Often causes extreme nausea.
|Subject randomly teleports a short distance away and becomes extremely disgusted as a result.
|Subject randomly teleports a short distance away and becomes extremely disgusted as a result.
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!Spastic {{anchor|Spastic}}
|Causes muscle spasms.
|Causes muscle spasms.
|Subject suffers from muscle spasms.
|Subject suffers from muscle spasms.
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!Two Left Feet
!Two Left Feet {{anchor|Two Left Feet}}
|A mutation that replaces the right foot with another left foot. It makes standing up after getting knocked down very difficult.
|A mutation that replaces the right foot with another left foot. It makes standing up after getting knocked down very difficult.
|Subject takes longer to recover from being knocked down.
|Subject takes longer to recover from being knocked down.
Line 417: Line 417:
!Geladikinesis {{anchor|Geladikinesis}}
|Allows the user to concentrate moisture and sub-zero forces into snow.
|Allows the user to concentrate moisture and sub-zero forces into snow.
|No indicators.
|No indicators.
Line 424: Line 424:
!Cryokinesis {{anchor|Cryokinesis}}
|Draws negative energy from the sub-zero void to freeze surrounding temperatures at subject's will.
|Draws negative energy from the sub-zero void to freeze surrounding temperatures at subject's will.
|No indicators.
|No indicators.
Line 431: Line 431:
!Thick Skin
!Thick Skin {{anchor|Thick Skin}}
|The user's skin acquires a leathery texture, and becomes more resilient to harm.
|The user's skin acquires a leathery texture, and becomes more resilient to harm.
|No indicators.
|No indicators.