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=== Health ===
=== Health ===

On many occasions you may find yourself at brown or worse health and no legions in sight. At this point your movement speed has decreased dramatically. This would be the time to call for a mining medic, or if you are a mining medic, to patch yourself up. Sometimes there are no mining medics, however, or they're all dead and they wouldn't have been of any use anyways. In these situations, there are a few options you may take to recover your health and not have to go all the way back to medbay for a doctor to spend five minutes trying to patch you up.
Getting hit is unavoidable, and you will eventually need to heal yourself in the field. Luckily, there are several easy ways to regain health, to list a few:

First, you can steal the medikit in Cargo or in the mining station infirmary. Or steal both. You have enough space in your pack for them. Sure, it's not very helpful to anyone and everyone might call you a selfish prick, but at least you can heal yourself on the go. If there are very few miners around, it's more palatable to do so. It is up to you ultimately, as other miners do rely on the medkit in these places to patch themselves up on the way back from a long haul. And if someone else takes it before you, be sure to call them a total scumbag asshole jerkwad chode, or some other colorful combination of curses. Unfortunately it is not allowed to kill people for stealing medical supplies, so you'll have to wait for him to get torn to shreds by a goliath before you can loot the medkit off of his corpse.
- Legion cores will regenerate 25 brute/burn and remove damage slowdown for a minute, good for if you need to top off on health and have a spare unstable core lying around or need to run at full speed while at orange health or below.

The second, less powerful, less time-efficient, but more team-oriented option is to drag yourself back to the mining outpost and eat something. Mining outpost is equipped with food items. Donk pockets are available in the outpost. Eating, especially if you are hungry (which is indicated by a burger icon on the right end of the screen and a yellow or brown tab above it), heals you a bit because of the small amount of nutriment in food. It will not fully heal you by any means, but it can turn your health from brown to a pale green, or from red to a darker yellow. This option does not cut into the medical supplies of the other miners, too, so team players will prefer to do this.
- Survival medipens will heal you over time and are injected instantly, you'll start with one and can purchase more for 500 mining points each. They are however much slower acting than legion cores and you can overdose if you take too many in short order.

Remember to put a donk pocket in the microwave and heat it up to increase the healing value.
- Medical kits from the station contain several items that can heal you quickly, but patches and basic ointment and brute packs take time to administer. You can also buy a brute medical kit for 600 mining points.

And, lastly, of course, you can simply keep digging in the hopes of finding a legion that you can murder and eat its core out. This will fully replenish your health and hunger, but it is risky as you could run into many other kinds of monsters instead. Do note that you cannot kill a legion and carry its core in your inventory for just when you need it - the core will expire and go bad quickly, leaving you with nothing. It is better to use it as soon as you can.
- Cacti and leafy mushrooms contain vitrium froth, a chemical that will slowly heal you when ingested. Eating too much will cause you to get fat and slow you down, however.
- Donk pockets contain omnizine when heated in a microwave, which can also slowly heal you.

=== Inventory Management ===
=== Inventory Management ===