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Use this ''instead of the OOC channel'' if you think someone is griefing or if you otherwise have something to ask the admins about.
Use this ''instead of the OOC channel'' if you think someone is griefing or if you otherwise have something to ask the admins about.

These can include questions about etiquette, the rules, or in-game procedures such as the starting the engine, etc.
These can include questions about etiquette or the rules, etc.

It should be noted that even when no admins are online, any messages sent in adminhelp are logged so you should still send one.
It should be noted that even when no admins are online, any messages sent in adminhelp are logged so you should still send one.
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Any objects on them when they are activated will be thrown forward at high speed, either into the bomb testing area (Toxins) or space (Chapel or Disposals).
Any objects on them when they are activated will be thrown forward at high speed, either into the bomb testing area (Toxins) or space (Chapel or Disposals).

A command which allows you to message any online mentors.  The command can be found under the "Mentor" tab.
The sole purpose of mentors to answer any question about the game you throw at them. This can be about an [[Antag]] or setting up the engine.
Mentors however are not able to answer question about the rules. Any questions that they do recieve about the rules are re-directed to admins.
It is also recommended you use mentorhelp instead of OOC for questions as you may leak IC information.
Those players without admin or mod powers or responsibilities who chastise other players and list server rule infractions incessantly. They should be ignored.
Those players without admin or mod powers or responsibilities who chastise other players and list server rule infractions incessantly. They should be ignored.