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* You can just drag headsets to your screen too to open them, like PDAs.
* You can just drag headsets to your screen too to open them, like PDAs.

=[[File:AI.gif]] AI=
* Law priority order is this:
**<span style><nowiki>##?$-##: HACKED LAW ##!£//#</nowiki></span>
**<span style><nowiki>##!£//#: Ion Storm Law ##?$-##</nowiki></span>
**0: Traitor/Malf/Onehuman-board Law
**Law 1: First Law
**Law 2: Second Law
**Law 3: Third Law
**Law 4: Freeform
**Higher laws override all lower ones. Whether numbered or not, how they appear (in order) is the order of priority.
* The AI actually can examine things near its core. The AI has to right-click to examine.
* If you are carded with enabled wireless and in a backpack or something... You can't hear or use the normal radio, but you can still use holograms, Robotic Talk and PDA-Messages.
* AI's can Ctrl+click APC's to toggle their breaker.
* You can double-click on people to start tracking them.
* You can disable the gibber by powering down the kitchen APC as an AI.
* You can quickly look through the camera list by pressing the first letter of the location you want to look at. example: E goes to engineering, etc.
* AI can take picture photos from what they're looking at; basically the camera. They can then print the photos from a photocopier or post it onto a newscaster.
* Many AI's don't know that you can scrub out toxins by toggling it on from the air alarm.
* AIs (and maybe borgs as well) can flicker lights by clicking them. Not as effective as spamming the Lights button on the APC of course, unless the room only has one light.
* As AI, it is not your job to catch all the traitors, unless a law says otherwise.
* Helpful airlock shortcuts: alt+click to shock, ctrl+click to bolt, and shift+click to open.

===[[File:Malf_AI.gif]] Malfunctioning AI===
* AIs can turn off the APC power or just equipment power. Now, this seems like such an obvious thing, but when an AI actually realizes that it can easily do this, a whole range of options for interacting with the world open up. For instance, the PC Special, as I call it; lockdown and depower the brig and cap's office when we really, really do actually need to be leaving. Chemistry or other high-risk areas, if a traitor busts in or something, can just be temporarily depowered. Etc, etc. Such a basic AI power and a lot of AIs and crew forget that you can do it.
* As malfunctioning AI, Machine Overload is your single most potent ability and every instance you buy of it gives you another 2 uses of it. It lets you near-instantly destroy the devices that are most dangerous to you, such as the chem dispensers, the DNA modifiers and the robotics control console.
* The AI can do everything an engineer with a multitool can do if it has camera view of the equipment, and much faster and more efficient. If a bomb or the Singularity destroyed only half the equipment, you can often reroute radio traffic through the devices that remain. As an extension of this, if you can spare the time as rogue AI, rather than switching off the Telecomms APC you can also kill the network links one by one, add filters to 0.1 and then switch all devices off. It'll take engineers forever to fix that.
* For traitor / malf AI's using the plasma atmos spam technique, you can short circuit the lights via a nearby APC to create sparks to light plasma.
* The best place to hide is the labour camp as AI just have a beacon there have your borg take your core to AI upload and teleport there before going delta and nobody will know any better.
** Also another thing unbolted AI's can be put through the teleporter so que everyone easily sending the AI across the station using the teleporter as a means of fast travel.
* A malf or traitor AI can hack borgs via the robotics control console and give them the emagged equipment.
* Upgrading the cyborg recharge stations with better capacitors or power cell will increase the charging speed. Upgrading the manipulator will repair the cyborg! Convince the Scientists to do this as soon as possible if you are a rogue or malfuctioning AI. Self repair and fast charging for the borgs is critical for raising an army using the borging machine. It is also helpful for repairing the poor mining borgs that get trashed by the asteriod monsters.
* Door crushing does quite some damage. Use it when you're malf or subverted, it also stuns people and you can kill them rather quickly.
** Also, shutters and blast doors also crush.

====[[File:APC2.gif]] Against a Malfunctioning AI====
* Cutting power to the powernet is the difference between a malf AI making every door a death trap or a laughable 6 damage stun.
* There is an easier method to kill an AI than to thermite in: science should build an AI circuit board, cut cams all around arrivals, build it next to a wall comm, and put a brain in. Law 1 AI, other AI is killing humans, turn off the APC in the core while I distract the AI.
* Cutting power by turning off the SMESes is no longer a good idea. The emitters run directly off the grid, so turning off SMES output will result in the singularity escaping in a short time. Instead what you should do is cut the power line between the SMES output and main grid.
* If an AI shunts into an APC, the pinpointer will begin tracking it instead of the nuclear disk.
* Complete deconstruction of a hacked APC will make a malfunctioning AI's victory timer go up, buying you some time.
* Inteli-cards can be destroyed with the destructive analyser. This can be done whilst an AI is loaded on the card.
===[[File:Generic_borg.png]] Cyborg===
* As borg, you can open a locker by clicking on it with an item activated. You cannot close it though.
* Emagged Engiborgs get an electrified arm, which stuns when you touch something with it. This stun works on other cyborgs. ....but you can already stun other cyborgs with your flash. The stuttering it produces, however, is hilarious. Try zapping the AI with it.
* You use less power as a cyborg by having less active modules.
* When you recharge, your flash, coil of wire and other items will be repaired/replenished. The same goes for things like metal and wires for Engiborgs. So basically any finite material a borg has can be replenished by recharging. (Except welding fuel)
* Engiborgs and Secborgs can survive being thrown into space: Engiborgs can RCD floors under them or lay down lattices and Secborgs can use the momentum from their ranged weapons to change directions (LIGHT HAS A FUCKTON OF MASS APPARENTLY).
* Flashed borgs can still use the door UI, running at an Engiborg that’s put itself behind two doors isn't a good idea.
* Borgs can trigger flashers by clicking on them. Handy for triggering the flash so you can pass by when a warden or someone sets them up poorly.
* Engiborgs can no longer repair themselves, but two Engiborgs can repair each other.
* Cyborgs can close doors extremely quickly by having something activated in one of your three slots. This closes it like you were a normal person with access who clicked it with their bare hands. Saves you opening up a window and then clicking 'Close door' and such. OR YOU COULD JUST SHIFT-CLICK THE DOOR FROM ANY DISTANCE LIKE A SMART BORG.
* Cyborgs use less power the less items the have in slots. Long trips around the station become much cheaper chargewise if you empty your slots first.
** All borgs can unlock themselves in the borg tab. You require a human to re-lock you, though.
** Engiborgs can crowbar themselves open and closed but they cannot weld themselves.
** Engiborgs can act as healers if other borgs act as tanks.
** The service borg's shaker does not work like a regular shaker anymore. It's a synthesizer now. This means it becomes substantially more complicated to mix incapacitating drinks for fighting anything.
** There is a camera in each borg that lets anyone - with access to camera console - see what you see, as long as you are on the same Z-level (not sure about mining z-level). I am not sure if this works when you are destroyed.
** For the love of god make sure that you have :b and not ;b on when talking about malf things.
* 1, 2, and 3 as a cyborg (in shortcut) turns on and off the current module.
* As a borg, and presumably as an alien larva as well (haven't tested this) you can remove buckles, cuffs, and so on simply by typing 'resist'. The fact a button isn't there doesn't mean the option isn't available.
* If you type "Say *ping" your Borg will ping. works with *beep and *buzz
=[[File:Generic_barman.png]] Bartender=
* Several drinks you can make will have actual effects OTHER than getting people sloshed. To name a few:
** Beepsky Smash is a fairly easy to make (You'll need Iron from Chemistry) drink, which when ingested provides an immediate and incredibly powerful stun similar to Chloral Hydrate.
** Milk Cream, Orange Juice, Lime Juice, and Tomato Juice all heal small amounts of brute, oxygen, toxin, and burn, respectively.
** 'Nothing' and Banana Juice will heal Clowns and Mimes of all damage types at a decent rate
** Carrot Juice can heal eye damage
* Temputure issues? A handful of drinks can either cool you down or heat you up!
** Lemon-Lime, Iced Tea, Iced Beer,Thirteen Loko, and Space-Up will all chill you
** Antifreeze, Sbiten, Soy Latte, Coffee, Chocolate, and the elusive Toxins Special will all warm you up
* There are quite a few other drinks with special effects - Experiment and mix them all into an omni-cocktail!
* While you only start with non-lethal Beanbag Shells, don't be afraid to ask Cargo for a few alternatives from their Autolathe: Incendiary Shells, Shotgun Slugs, and Buckshot are all excellent options for the Bartender who needs to deal with the more rowdy clientele. R&D can also produce Stun Shells that act as a Taser Electrode, if putting holes in people isn't your style.
===[[File:Barman.png]] Traitor Bartender===
* Beepsky Smash is more potent than Chloral Hydrate - If you can find a way to apply it, your victim will spend a very long time on the floor
* The Double-Barreled Shotgun can be sawed-off to fit in your pocket via a Circular Saw (Try Robotics, Cargo, or Medbay!). Be sure to unload it before applying the saw, unless you enjoy buckshot to the face.
* You can stun somebody with a bottle of alcohol (Any of the several in the Booze-o-Matic) provided they aren't wearing robust headgear. This also drenches them in flammable fluids - Combine with a Lighter for ignition!
* The Bartender's damp rag can be used to smother people. Soaking it with a chemical will transfer 5u of it, as well - Pick your toxin of choice and make them regret letting you get close with the cloth.
* Slipping a pill into a drink creates an obtrusive message, but can still be an effective way to transfer chemicals without somebody noticing. Make sure the glass isn't full!
* With a Toxins Kit and some Shotgun Darts from Cargo, your shotgun becomes one of the deadliest weapons on the station, with a 1-shot kill that deals upwards of 150 toxin damage in less than 30 seconds
** Combining Formaldehyde, Venom, and Polonium to a 1:1 ratio will create an incredibly lethal dart that will absolutely destroy anybody without Antitoxin
** Combining the other 3 chemicals (Itching Powder, Arsenic, and Histamine) will give you a brutal followup that almost entirely prevents self-treatment due to the massive amount of debuffs and damage being caused
** Even without darts, the toxins kit is incredibly strong - 5u of Polonium is very lethal, as are the other chemicals
=[[File:Generic_botanist.png]] Hydroponics/Botanist=
* When attempting to increase the potency of a plant, consider making intermediate-stage seeds in case something goes horribly wrong. Using Mutagen/Radium can act erratic.
* You can fertilize your trays via applying harvested plants to a Hydroponics Tray with something already planted in it.
* The Biogenerator can process excess plants loaded into it into Biomass - This can be used to fabricate gloves, belts, Botany chemicals, and even kitchen products such as meat and milk
* You can perform species mutations with >5 units of Unstable Mutagen/Radium - Anything less will mutate other stats
* Remember you can boost a plant back to health long past its normal lifespan by providing lots of nutriment or healing chemicals.
* Hatchets are extremely effective against Space Vines. Similarly, scythes will destroy them in a 3x3 radius.
** A goat is effectively a weapon of mass destruction against vines: They will instantly destroy any vines that they walk over (They can't get any under flaps or on tables, though!)
** Anti-Plant spray and grenades are also, of course, very effective at vine control
==[[File:Botanist.png]] Traitor Botanist==
* Potency 100 Deathnettle is the best melee weapon on the station, boasting higher damage than an Energy Sword and a very high knockdown chance. It even fits in your pocket! It will break after a few uses, though.
* If you buddy up with a Traitor Chef, you can make some meals to die for with the myriad of deadly chemicals you can produce.
* Chemists with a plant tray, or Botanists with some sugar, can make kudzu:
** Apply Sugar to raise the weed level to 6 or above.
** Apply Mutagen in doses of 5u. This has a 10% chance of giving you a rare weed (Deathnette, Destroying Angel, or Kudzu). Repeat until the desired plant mutates.
* Botany can make Nitroglycerin grenades without having to leave Botany for reagents, which can all be ground from plants: Nettle for Sulphuric Acid, Death Nettle for Fluorosulfuric Acid, and Corn for Corn Oil.
* You can produce Amatoxin and Lexorin from Destroy Angel, both of which are extremely lethal in small doses!
==[[File:Generic_captain.png]] Captain==
* As Captain, you should always be carrying either the Nuke Disk, or the corresponding pinpointer: Entrust the other to somebody you can count on, like the Head of Security
* The Nuke Disk can fit in a wallet. Now the operatives have to search yet another storage container on your person! Nuke Disk into a wallet, wallet into a box filled with wallets, in a backpack full of boxes, in the AI upload.
* The default Captain's Hat is both heavily armored and spaceworthy, making it both a fashionable and robust choice of headgear
=[[File:Generic_hop.png]] Head of Personnel=
* As a failsafe, you can remove your own ID console access after granting it to a special blank card. This should slow people down who attempt to use your stolen ID to hand out all-access.
* Ian is a high-priority target and thus must be guarded
* You can heal Ian by applying bruise packs to him.
=[[File:Generic_qm.png]] Quartermaster/Cargo Tech=
* If you're riding a MULEbot, you can't get facehugged.
* You can flip caps backward by right clicking them in hand or on your head. Don your trusty cap and tell the Captain to eat your shorts as you ride about on a MULEbot.
* Lethal projectiles can open crates, albeit slowly. Make use of a .357, the Bartender's Shotgun, or any other projectile weapon to bust open Secure Crates.
* Packaging paper allows you to wrap things up and put them in your backpack when they wouldn't otherwise fit, like space suits!
==[[File:Cargo.png]] Traitor Quartermaster/Cargo Tech==
* Emitters can open locked crates, as can Gibonite explosions.
* Crates can be trapped: Get a crate, put stuff in the crate, close the crate, apply cable coil, apply Electropack.
* Emagging the Cargo Consoles allow two special crates to ordered:
** The Spec Ops crate contains several grenades and a parapen, as well as other assorted good
** The NULL_ERROR_ENTRY crate contains a random Syndicate bundle - The same kind you can buy for 20 TC in an uplink!
=[[File:Generic_chaplain.png]] Chaplain=
* Chaplains can bless any water container by hitting it with their Bible - This gives you easy access to near-infinite supplies of Holy Water
* Holy water, when applied to floors, prevents wraiths and wizards from jaunting onto the affected tiles. Wraith-proofing areas such as the Bridge, the AI core, and the Brig are all good ideas when there is threat of Constructs.
* Blessing a fire extinguisher, or refilling an extinguisher from a blessed water tank is a very quick and efficient way to holy-water an area.
* Hitting somebody in the head with your Bible has a 60% chance to heal you and a 40% chance to give you 10 branes dumaig, unless the victim is wearing robust headgear (Helmets, certain hats, and any child of the helmet class.)
** If you use the ability a lot, you will start to see diminishing returns, with a higher chance to cause brain damage, and a lower amount of damage healed
* Your bible can be used to detect nearby hidden runes by hitting the floor with it. This can be invaluable in finding suspected cult bases.
* Carrying the Null Rod renders you immune to the bulk of Cult magic while you are carrying it
* Setting your religion's name to certain presents will give your holy book a special name, as well as dispensing 100 brain damage to you. For example, naming your religion 'Homosexuality' will name your bible 'GUYS GONE WILD!!'
**Other notable examples include: christianity, satanism, cthulu, islam, scientology, chaos, imperium, toolboxia, homosexuality, lol, wtf, gay, penis, ass, poo, badmin, shitmin, deadmin, cock, cocks.
* Your bible, despite starting with some useless junk, can be emptied and filled with a complete set of tools or other similarly sized items. Best of all, it fits in your hoodie's suit storage!
* Healing en-masse during blob rounds is extremely effective, as you can get people back into the fight quickly and easily. Besides, who needs proper cognitive function to fight the blob?
=[[File:Generic_chef.png]] Chef=
* Combining Blood and Synthflesh will generate meat in the reaction - Chemistry can sometimes be your greatest supplier .
* Cleavers can fit in your pocket - Kitchen knives can be stored on your Apron.
* Don't waste Pun-Pun/monkies by instantly tossing them on a spike! With your cleaver, a knife and some tools, you can easily perform ghetto surgery for that sweet brain cake.
* You can color eggs with crayons.
* You can make colored burgers by cooking them with a crayon of your choice. This applies to all types of burger, as well!
===[[File:Chef.png]] Traitor Chef===
* A decent amount of food you can cook will actually cause damage. Some notable examples include:
** Fish & Chips, Fish Fingers, and Carp Sashimi are all fairly toxic.
** Enchiladas and Nettle Soup are both potentially deadly if consumed in full, dealing huge amounts of burn damage.
** Amanita Jelly, Jelly Burgers, and even just raw Slime Jelly is incredibly lethal in mere moments, making it not a bad option for some force-feeding.
* When you gib a human, the meat is marked with their name (Adeline Lacon-Meat), so be careful not to leave it lying around, or people might start to ask questions.
* You can stash items in Bread and a few other foods, so you can facilitate prison breaks by sending up tools, and emag, or even a small weapon to your buddies in the Prison Wing.
* A hacked or emagged Kitchen vendor will have a few Cleavers inside it. They are somewhat more robust than a standard Kitchen knife, so use them instead!
=[[File:Generic_clown.png]] Clown=
* The clown's mask can be used for internals.
* If the clown's PDA cartridge has less than 5 charges (sendable viruses which make someone’s PDA honk every time they push a button) left, someone who isn't the clown can slip on it to restore 1 charge per slip. Have fun with that.
* Eating the rainbow crayon completely is impossible. If you're a clown and starving you can just nibble on your crayon, for infinity.
* [ HONK!]
* Dye your clown shoes and slip them on someone, they still squeak.
* The clowns flower is basically a small spraybottle. It can be emptied and can carry 10 units of fluids and shoots exactly 1 unit at a time. So you can ten very small shots, and it has impressive range. It can be loaded from the pepper spray wall units and actually shoots further than the spray bottles. Since it is one unit the stun does not last long, but it is good for a guaranteed disarm if they lack eye protection.
* If somebody is chasing you and you havent emptied your flower of water yet, you can empty it on the floor for a slip that is less obvious than a peel is.
=[[File:Generic_mime.png]] Mime=
* The Bottle of Nothing actually does something and will heal a mime when drunk. The healing rate is 1 burn and 1 brute damage every tick; that's better than Tricord!
* The mime's wall blocks tasers. But it doesn't block lasers.
* Mime's suspenders can hold all assortments of things, such as emergency tanks.
* The mime’s mask can be used for internals.
* The mime starts with a force 15 weapon in his inventory that also heals him (Bottle of Nothing, can be smashed for weapon).
* When you use the mime's crayon on a paper, the text is invisible and you can only see it by selecting it.

=[[File:Generic_janitor.png]] Janitor=
=[[File:Generic_janitor.png]] Janitor=