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<h2>15th August</h2>
<h2>11th February</h2>
'''AdamElTablawy:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9431 removed the meathook, clusterbuster inferno grenade (massive plasmafire), holoparasites, wisp lamp, and a wizard spell from necropolis loot. added a healing abductor gland instead so miners can get surgery to use it or contribute to science.]<br>
'''githubuser4141:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17770 Changed the MK-II Ripley's speed to 3 (indoors), and 1.75 (outdoors.) Changes the admin-only Nukie Ripley's speed to 3 indoors, 1.5 outdoors.]<br>
'''AdamElTablawy:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9448 Comments out frag-12 rounds and meteorshot.]<br>
'''MajManatee:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17720 I love massive holes. Chasms are back now that miners get a jaunter.]<br>
'''AdamElTablawy:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9459 The Hand stand ability now knockdowns your opponent instead]<br>
'''MajManatee:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17739 Removes mod disks from loot pool, and makes them orderable from cargo. Also adds a KA crate.]<br>
'''AutisticFroggy:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9430 Removed captain's antique laser gun from lavaland]<br>
'''Moltijoe:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17809 Nanite heart runs your nanites on each life tick]<br>
'''boodaliboo:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9449 Added acid and fire restance to mjolinor]<br>
'''Moltijoe:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17828 IPC martial buffs]<br>
'''boodaliboo:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9450 Added rnd kit to free miners vendor]<br>
'''Mqiib:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17866 Unfucks darkspawn veils but they're still weaker]<br>
'''Darkstick:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9447 You can now rotate stasis beds]<br>
'''SomeguyManperson:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17867 drakelings attack cooldowns are now slightly faster]<br>
'''Hopek:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9441 Cryo pods don't stop when cloning damage is present on MEDICALIGNORE. This means that Preterni can now heal cloning damage in cryopods but will still not be trapped after they're healed even with brute or burn damage.]<br>
'''Xander3359:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17778 Crusher can now be carried in 1 hand, wield it before using or you will fumble.]<br>
'''missatessatessy:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9446 Added Staff of Cheese]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17833 Darkspawn has been moved to a midround event instead of a gamemode]<br>
'''MrHorizons:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9461 Allows the advanced cheese bacteria box to be purchased from cargo for 1,500 credits under the name of "Cheese Culture Crate". Don't want to make cheese? Get 6 random cheese wheels, ready-made, for only 1,000 credits.]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17833 Nightmare has been removed from midround rotation]
'''nichlas0010:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9457 Engineering will now get a goal to set up the opposite engine of what they spawn with.]<br>
<h2>10th February</h2>
'''SomeguyManperson:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9454 bo staff deals directed damage to the head instead of distributed damage, increasing effectiveness by 20%]<br>
'''Aquizit:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17836 Adds new Personnel HUD type]<br>
'''SomeguyManperson:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9468 heart decays slower]<br>
'''Majkl-J:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17848 Airlocks and doors can now be barricaded]<br>
'''XDTM:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9451 Added two new nanites programs]
'''Moltijoe:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17812 Added a chemical that purges nanites]<br>
<h2>13th August</h2>
'''Moltijoe:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17847 Lizards now regrow their tail after 30 minutes]<br>
'''MrHorizons:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9436 CentCom recovery ship mini-updates (mounted defib, bathroom, Captain Cleanbot, and a dead mouse)]
'''Moltijoe:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17854 Mining medic now gets a laptop with overwatch installed]<br>
<h2>12th August</h2>
'''Moltijoe:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17854 Brig physician laptop also starts with lifeline and crew monitor]<br>
'''AutisticFroggy:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9248 changed the scaling of the energy harvester]<br>
'''ReddicusDragon:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17807 makes catsip healthy by removing corn syrup]<br>
'''Firewolf34:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9381 Ghosts can now Orbit most ghost role spawner notify events]<br>
'''ReddicusDragon:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17856 Felinid language has been forcibly added to every nook and cranny of history, including native speakers' brains where it was previously.]<br>
'''wejengin2:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9419 All arrivals get a stronger apc]<br>
'''SapphicOverload:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17735 multilingual costs 2 points instead of 3]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9403 Nar-Sie attracts the singularity]<br>
'''Skrem7:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17784 True semi-auto shotguns + racking medium/heavy ballistics requires both hands + removes outdated stechkin animations]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9408 New roundend sound by Jonathan Frakes]<br>
'''Skrem7:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17785 Oddjob syndikit special has a spare magazine for its deagle now]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9422 Using memento mori and a guardian is now impossible]
'''ToasterBiome, Jacquerel:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17723 Falling into a chasm doesn't delete your body and someone can fish you up]<br>
<h2>11th August</h2>
'''ToasterBiome:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17837 you can now copy the access of a airlock by hitting it with airlock electronics]<br>
'''redmoogle:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9397 Jetpack no longer has methspeed]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17769 Added the Reusable Autosurgeon to the uplink for 5TC]<br>
'''SomeguyManperson:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9374 creep final objective is only the protect/maroon]
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17804 Added box of shotgun darts disguised as beanbag slugs to the uplink for 2TC]
<h2>10th August</h2>
<h2>9th February</h2>
'''nichlas0010:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9256 There's now a framework for department goals. Each department is given up to 5 goals a round to complete, with bonuses when they're completed.]
'''Skrem7:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17766 L6 re-tweak (we're rolling it back (kinda))]<br>
<h2>8th August</h2>
'''TheGamerdk:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17795 It now takes approximately 6 seconds to cremate someone, if you're stuck inside alive, resist!]<br>
'''actioninja:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9256 Glowing overlays no longer render above everything, and mobs and items properly block them]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17670 Big Heretic revamp (finally)]
'''AutisticFroggy:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9340 toe stubbing is now rarer but more severe, just like in real life.]<br>
<h2>8th February</h2>
'''boodaliboo:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9389 gave melee resist to laser tag armor]<br>
'''BurgerBB:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17791 Killing the MALF ends the round.]<br>
'''Firewolf34:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9354 Nanotrasen has equipped Engineering staff with a brand-new flare formulation, designed for EVA work.]<br>
'''ReddicusDragon:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17825 Felinid language has been forcibly erased from every nook and cranny of history, including native speakers' brains.]<br>
'''FLME:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9399 dilithium obtained from dilithium is now times ten, dilithium asymptote lowered to 425 from 4000]<br>
'''Tattle:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17742 Clogged vents event now only lasts for 1 seconds]<br>
'''Hopek:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9393 Signal techs can now only translate the base languages.]<br>
'''ThatLing:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17738 Passive vents can now be constructed using the RPD]<br>
'''Hopek:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9400 Cryopods display a unique warning when the occupant cannot be treated.]<br>
<h2>7th February</h2>
'''Hopek:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9409 pAI door hack speed has been increased to not be terrible.]<br>
'''JamieD1:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17822 Renables Shadowling]<br>
'''Kmc2000:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9404 Radios now make sound when you use them.]<br>
'''ToasterBiome, Aquizit:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17776 NVS Gax Arrivals redesigned to allow free miner ship]
'''nichlas0010:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9337 Central Command has issued new targeting systems with its BSA kits, allowing any stations that build them to shoot down any pirates that may attempt to board the station]<br>
<h2>6th February</h2>
'''nichlas0010:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9339 you'll now survive the nuclear bomb exploding if you're in a freezer]<br>
'''00ze-cyclone:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17582 Uranium eating aegun, second try]<br>
'''swissloaf:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9352 PORT Adds movie-like rolling credits to the end of the round]
'''Mqiib:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17707 Shimmyjimmies ion bolts to be less "why are they like that" and more "hey that kinda makes sense"]<br>
<h2>6th August</h2>
'''ToasterBiome:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17712 New ruin: Lavaland corn maze]<br>
'''alexkar598:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9380 Slimes no longer spawn on lavaland and they mutate normally]
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17768 Foam darts now deal stamina damage if you're holding a toy gun]
<h2>4th August</h2>
<h2>5th February</h2>
'''wejengin2:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9359 boxstation bridge changes]
'''ktlwjec:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17775 Snail emoji for OOC.]<br>
<h2>1st August</h2>
'''LazennG:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17779 tweaked buster arm moves]<br>
'''CoreyTori:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9321 Added triangle spiders]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17733 Prematurely cancelling desynchronizer now has serious downsides and nerfed max time]<br>
'''missatessatessy:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9316 Added jaffa cakes]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17749 Added all (non-holiday) roundstart race languages to Multilingual quirks]<br>
'''SomeguyManperson:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9331 random crits now drop off by 15% rather than 40% every process]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17755 Neural overclocker autosurgeon is now single use]
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9364 Ports vending machine purchase sound from /tg/station]<br>
<h2>4th February</h2>
'''Xoxeyos:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/9358 Adds Surfin' USA to the title screen for every fourth of July!!]
'''Skrem7:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17588 slugs have even more damage falloff and overall shotgun pellet reworks]<br>
'''Skrem7:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17743 spread for LWT-650 and K-41s DMRs has been set to 2, from 5]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17729 Added some info to cloaker belt]<br>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17757 Made cult runes even harder to tell apart from fake ones]
<h2>2nd February</h2>
'''ynot01:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17767 Disabled CentCom Raven Cruiser]
<h2>1st February</h2>
'''MajManatee:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17648 L6 is no longer just a better minigun]<br>
'''@thegoldencat413 @Chubbygummibear @cuackles @cowbot92 @Mqiib @slicerv and saucecat:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17536 Adds the buster arm]<br>
'''TheRyeGuyWhoWillNowDie:''' [https://github.com/yogstation13/Yogstation/pull/17568 riot shotguns are two-handed]

Latest revision as of 09:56, 12 February 2023

11th February

githubuser4141: Changed the MK-II Ripley's speed to 3 (indoors), and 1.75 (outdoors.) Changes the admin-only Nukie Ripley's speed to 3 indoors, 1.5 outdoors.
MajManatee: I love massive holes. Chasms are back now that miners get a jaunter.
MajManatee: Removes mod disks from loot pool, and makes them orderable from cargo. Also adds a KA crate.
Moltijoe: Nanite heart runs your nanites on each life tick
Moltijoe: IPC martial buffs
Mqiib: Unfucks darkspawn veils but they're still weaker
SomeguyManperson: drakelings attack cooldowns are now slightly faster
Xander3359: Crusher can now be carried in 1 hand, wield it before using or you will fumble.
ynot01: Darkspawn has been moved to a midround event instead of a gamemode
ynot01: Nightmare has been removed from midround rotation

10th February

Aquizit: Adds new Personnel HUD type
Majkl-J: Airlocks and doors can now be barricaded
Moltijoe: Added a chemical that purges nanites
Moltijoe: Lizards now regrow their tail after 30 minutes
Moltijoe: Mining medic now gets a laptop with overwatch installed
Moltijoe: Brig physician laptop also starts with lifeline and crew monitor
ReddicusDragon: makes catsip healthy by removing corn syrup
ReddicusDragon: Felinid language has been forcibly added to every nook and cranny of history, including native speakers' brains where it was previously.
SapphicOverload: multilingual costs 2 points instead of 3
Skrem7: True semi-auto shotguns + racking medium/heavy ballistics requires both hands + removes outdated stechkin animations
Skrem7: Oddjob syndikit special has a spare magazine for its deagle now
ToasterBiome, Jacquerel: Falling into a chasm doesn't delete your body and someone can fish you up
ToasterBiome: you can now copy the access of a airlock by hitting it with airlock electronics
ynot01: Added the Reusable Autosurgeon to the uplink for 5TC
ynot01: Added box of shotgun darts disguised as beanbag slugs to the uplink for 2TC

9th February

Skrem7: L6 re-tweak (we're rolling it back (kinda))
TheGamerdk: It now takes approximately 6 seconds to cremate someone, if you're stuck inside alive, resist!
ynot01: Big Heretic revamp (finally)

8th February

BurgerBB: Killing the MALF ends the round.
ReddicusDragon: Felinid language has been forcibly erased from every nook and cranny of history, including native speakers' brains.
Tattle: Clogged vents event now only lasts for 1 seconds
ThatLing: Passive vents can now be constructed using the RPD

7th February

JamieD1: Renables Shadowling
ToasterBiome, Aquizit: NVS Gax Arrivals redesigned to allow free miner ship

6th February

00ze-cyclone: Uranium eating aegun, second try
Mqiib: Shimmyjimmies ion bolts to be less "why are they like that" and more "hey that kinda makes sense"
ToasterBiome: New ruin: Lavaland corn maze
ynot01: Foam darts now deal stamina damage if you're holding a toy gun

5th February

ktlwjec: Snail emoji for OOC.
LazennG: tweaked buster arm moves
ynot01: Prematurely cancelling desynchronizer now has serious downsides and nerfed max time
ynot01: Added all (non-holiday) roundstart race languages to Multilingual quirks
ynot01: Neural overclocker autosurgeon is now single use

4th February

Skrem7: slugs have even more damage falloff and overall shotgun pellet reworks
Skrem7: spread for LWT-650 and K-41s DMRs has been set to 2, from 5
ynot01: Added some info to cloaker belt
ynot01: Made cult runes even harder to tell apart from fake ones

2nd February

ynot01: Disabled CentCom Raven Cruiser

1st February

MajManatee: L6 is no longer just a better minigun
@thegoldencat413 @Chubbygummibear @cuackles @cowbot92 @Mqiib @slicerv and saucecat: Adds the buster arm
TheRyeGuyWhoWillNowDie: riot shotguns are two-handed