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|headerbgcolor = darkgreen
|headerbgcolor = darkgreen
|headerfontcolor = white
|headerfontcolor = white
|genus = Basiliscus Lizretus
|genus = Scalis Astutus Tepidus
|imagebgcolor = lightgray
|imagebgcolor = lightgray
|img_generic = Lizardman.png
|img_generic = Lizardman.png
|img =  
|img =  
|specietype = LIZARDMEN
|specietype = LIZARDPERSON
|speciename = Lizardperson
|speciename = Lizardperson
|homeworld = Ospillon
|homeworld = Sangris
|central authority = Subservient to Commonwealth of Orion
|central authority = Opsillian Republic
|allowed command roles = [[Head of Security]], [[Chief Medical Officer]]
|allowed command roles = [[Head of Security]], [[Chief Medical Officer]]
|guides = No external guides
|guides = No external guides
'''Vuulen''' (singular vuulek), also known as lizardpersons (or simply lizards), are a species of bipedal, scaled humanoids that visually resemble various reptilian species present on '''Earth'''. Being the first intelligent species humanity has encountered (beyond '''[[Plasmaman|plasmamen]]'''), vuulen are one of the most common non-human species in the '''[[Commonwealth of Orion]]'''. Having experienced a massive technological and cultural jump with the colonization of their primary homeworld, '''Sangris''', the vuulen now attempt to navigate their identities and lives as integration efforts see more and more individuals cast aside old values in favor of assimilation into human society.
Lizardpeople are a optional playable race. You can make a lizard character in the character panel, and change aspects of its appearance such as skin color, spines and antennae. Lizards attack with their claws to slash and hack people, though this does not deal any additional damage. They also tend to hiss when talking.
Random names for lizardpeople are hypenated. They are generated by taking two names from a gender-specific list of lizard names.
Note that as a lizard, the AI does not consider you human and is not obligated to listen to you and an Asimov AI will often respond lethally should they find you harming a human, however this also means the AI can allow you to put yourself into harm's way in a positive manner, such as opening a airlock exposed to space to save someone. Also, [[Captain|certain]] [[Head of Personnel|crew members]] will show you depths of racism previously reserved for the clown. Central Command also maintains a strict "Human-Only" policy for Command Staff roles. But hey, special snowflake colors!
=Lore =
The past of the vuulen begins on the world of Sangris, where the lizard-people first obtained sentience, having evolved from bipedal, raptor-like creatures known as '''dretheli'''. The warmer-than-usual planet has a moderately longer day cycle than Earth, which permitted the vuulen to expand and work long days under the sun, into a night cycle where they would retire to caves or canopies. A mixture of primarily deserts, jungles, savannahs, and tropical regions, the various lizards, once they became capable of organized society and speech, quickly spread out along the landmasses in their search for hunted prey or harvested bounties. It is still exactly unknown for how long this period of primitiveness continued, but the vuulen developed technologically in a fashion similar to mankind. That being said, there were some key differences. First and foremost, vuulen are taller, bulkier, and more agile than humans. This permitted them a level of self-defense without tools that allowed them to effectively take out medium-sized animals using pack tactics. While shoddy spears and other equipment were eventually made out of stone and similar materials, some also began to make clubs with bits of '''[[plasma]]''' attached to their sides, as the precious mineral was (and still is) bountiful on the planet. Because of the specific environmental conditions required for lizard eggs, civilization and its developments quickly developed and encouraged settlement. Agriculture proved more difficult to foster, due to the warmth of the planet, though unique crops such as '''niiwo''' (a blue fruit with a disk-like core, the surrounding flesh and skin bitter and tart) and '''y’lik''' (hardened wheat that is unideal for dough, though capable of direct consumption) became two of the most prominent crops out of several across the regions that began to civilize.
Various powers rose and fell as the lizards began to better adopt plasma, stone, copper, and iron. As writing developed and societies became more stable, some even began to experiment with some of the '''bluespace''' crystals that could be found lodged into mountainsides. Because of its instabilities, several incidents would cause destruction or the relative disappearance of laboratories. By around 2401, the most prominent civilized power was the '''Opsillian Empire''', a plutocratic power that heavily exploited its many plasma mines in the '''Moghes Desert'''. By this point, the vuulen were capable of harnessing the element in their forges and smelteries, also supplementing it in certain weaponry, such as slings that would hail bottles of heated plasma at their foes, or spears and arrows forged from '''plasmaglass'''. While '''plasteel''' was capable of being produced, it was rare, and the immeasurably tough metal was unideal for crafting weaponry, instead being hammered into awkward, rough plates of armor or shielding. Most of the population worked as farmers or as miners in this age, with various militaries, mercenaries, and marks of civilization being made. While lizards are communal, conflict regarding security or prosperity continued through this medieval age.

As the first wave of human explorers entered the '''Val System''', scans on the planet of Sangris revealed the life that had begun to spread across its surface, and telescopes confirmed the existence of the strange, bipedal humanoids. Seeing the relatively primitive state of their being, the '''Orion Chamber''' passed an ordinance to quickly make safe contact. While several corporations, most of all '''[[Nanotrasen]]''', salivated at the rich veins of plasma on the planet, as well as a more reliable source of bluespace crystals, which were quickly being tested and approved for usage in some of the first '''FTL''' drives.

Not to be confused with [[Critters#Neutral|the little lizards]].
The events of first contact turned violent. Equipped with biosuits and armor-piercing rounds, the diplomatic team failed to make peaceful discourse with the lizard garrison in a small town on the outskirts of the Opsillian Empire. When interaction with alien biology was confirmed to be safe, marine forces were deployed to occupy the town. Thus began a rapid campaign to conquer the planet; primarily a ground invasion with little naval bombardment from above. Specific orders were given to retain as much of the population as possible, and the vuulen stood little chance against the invading force. When news of the invasion reached the public ear, opinion was vastly split. While a naval blockade prevented others from landing on the planet, information leaks were inevitable. The soldiers that sent data back to the networks that were quickly being established in space were quietly discharged or executed for treason, though military command could not afford to impose a communication blackout on the planet, due to the vast area of their campaign.

Sentient non-humans hired by Nanotrasen to fill in gaps in their [[Humans|Human]] workforce. Lizards are notably not protected by Asimov's laws of robotics.
After about one year of conflict, the planet was effectively subjugated. By this time, communication between the two species was possible, and, after some deliberation, the Orion Chamber subjugated new, democratic forms of government across the regions, the primary, and greatest authority becoming known as the '''Opsillian''' '''Republic'''. The vuulen were given few rights and privileges under Commonwealth law, and massive human development of the planet began, as they brought technology, medicine, materials, crops, disease, culture, animals, and more to the planet. More lizards were directed to work in the mines, as the humans quickly understood their potential as workers, moving to also implement them into high-labor jobs where they could be watched. Slavery was common and scarcely regulated, despite the protests of several sympathizing or xenophile groups.

Functionally Lizards are nearly identical to Humans mechanics wise, but they suffer from lack of protection under Silicon Laws and they tend to be looked down upon by most of the (human dominated) crew.
Within a generation, as the vuulen proved to be more and more human-like in their mindsets and communal values, government policy began to change toward more benign, lenient measures, as several sets of elections and participators saw more xeno-approving members in the Orion Chamber, despite the various, conflicting ideas behind such approval among the old nations of Earth. It was not until 2463 that vuulen were controversially extended further rights, including the official removal of slavery. By 2489, '''habituation stations''' were made to specifically target vuulen populations to integrate them into human culture. The Opsillian Republic was made more of a semi-legit body, though corporate interests continued to prey on its citizens, as the Commonwealth often failed to hold such companies accountable.
Echoes of Humanity's dark distant past and their treatment of alien species remain well entrenched in modern day Human society. All alien species, including Lizardmen, have always been treated as second class citizens in Human society.
[[File:FirstContact.jpg|350px|thumb|left|Artists Impression of first contact between Humanity and Lizardkind]]
In 2550 Nanotrasen made history with the creation, and signing, of the Species Equality Act which paved the way for Lizardmen to be hired into low level jobs on-board Nanotrasen space stations, typically janitorial positions, as well as being the first corporation in existence to sign such a act. However in 2554 a amendment to the Species Equality Act, known as article 66, authorized the promotion and hiring of Lizardmen into most available station based roles.

This proved to be a significantly controversial amendment that was met with great disapproval, undeterred the change was pushed through by Nanotrasen. However the threat of the Commonwealth of Orion terminating Nanotrasen's top secret plasma mining contract forced the addition of article 67 which barred Lizardmen from assuming a command level role outside of extreme circumstances. Nanotrasen was quick to use their new Lizardmen employees to shore up gaps in their workforce.  
Now, the lizard people exist in an uneasy balance, with their cities having massively developed and integrated with certain human populations, yet still feasibly under the boot of the Commonwealth. While able to exist within the Commonwealth and apply for citizenship, the enforcement of their rights, as well as the acceptance of their species, is varied. While common workers on board most conventional ships, their salaries are often lowered as an exploitation of the uneasy and varied opinions, as well as a general indifference from most Commonwealth labor groups (which tend to quietly pocket certain donations). In addition, acceptance of the lizard-people is now more common than not among humans, though those who are newer to space or grow in a sheltered environment tend to treat them more strangely, if not outright hostile.
==Naming Conventions==
Vuulen have a variety of naming methodologies and separate names for separate cultures. While most non-integrated vuulen tend to have a draconic name (a first name tied to a clan name, such as Rixitul-Usii, of clan Usii), they may also adopt a human name of their liking or a simple nickname. The nickname can be a single word or, as is more common than not, a combination of three words in a format of "Verb-X-Noun", with X often being "the", an adjective, or a preposition (two examples being "Drinks-The-Rum" or "Realizes-Many-Errors"). These three-word names often become legal aliases and most often are adopted due to humans' difficulty with saying draconic names. As a result of the simplistic, often child-like sounding names, humans (and sometimes vuulen) tend to mock such aliases.
Division of vuulen communities is often done by clans, which are often formed through a mixture of geographical proximity as well as familial closeness. This closeness does not require blood connection, nor does a biological relationship guarantee entrance into a clan. While children of a clan are presumed and typically entered into the group, certain extreme circumstances can result in effective disowning or the adoption of specific hatchlings from another clan, whether the context be diplomatic, survival-related, or some other oddity. Parents tend to be defensive and protective of their children, and cultural significance tends to continue this bond when basic biological pheromones have run their course. Parents tend to pair for life, with divorce only introduced as a consequence of human occupation. Gender itself is scarcely emphasized, as biologically, both men and women are perfectly capable of laboring for roughly the same periods of time.

The top secret Space Station 13 was no exception.
Remnants of tribal celebrations and holidays still tend to exist within most clans, which can vary from bountiful festivals to hunting rituals to quasi-tournaments of strength and aptitude. Dances favor fast footwork with the tail used as an additional appendage to swirl and slap the ground near or around oneself or their partner(s), foreheads lowered to indicate vulnerability for courting, whereas claws might whip or swing imaginary weaponry for dances meant to imitate the flow and life of swordsplay or other dueling weapons. Festivals typically utilize beat-like music, as vuulen are unable to utilize traditional wind instruments, though they are capable of whistling. Tournaments can spurn competitions on a variety of themes, though most often they regard feats of strength, agility, artistry, or performance.
Lizardmen names are based on Verb-The-Nouns, an example being Eats-The-Lemons or Stuns-The-Perp. There are NO restrictions on a name a Lizardperson can use (sans standard name rules) meaning you do not have to adhere to the Adjective-The-Nouns system.

Generally Lizardpeople tend to form close knit communities with other Lizardpeople, and they tend to be wary around Humans, due to a combination of the limited amount of Lizardpeople on station but also due to the harsh treatment their species suffered hundreds of years ago by Humans. While many Humans are somewhat racist towards Lizardpeople many Lizards tend to hold little ill will towards Humans, however some Lizardpeople are oft just as racist towards Humans if not more so and are usually singled out as such.
Typically a prideful species, vuulen are quick and eager to prove themselves among their communities and workplaces, now that they are widespread through the Commonwealth.

While the central Commonwealth of Orion enforces harsh policies against Lizardpeople, and Nanotrasen exploits the unwanted status of Lizardpeople for financial gain, some fringe and even criminal organizations are surprisingly welcoming toward Lizardpeople, whether this is due to them being genuinely progressive or them simply needing anyone of the right skill sets to work for them, the attitude is appricated among the Lizardpeople that work with them and usually ensures a near unbreakable loyalty.
Ideas of honor and stalwartness are paramount among combat-favored. While vuulen violence tends to be brutal, quick, and lethal, most tend to believe in fighting their foes face-to-face, utilizing their own bodies or melee weaponry. Ranged weaponry is typically considered acceptable in formal conflicts such as war, and for those untraditional enough to utilize it outside of this, the idea of letting one's enemy face their foe still holds true. Stealth and subterfuge, while most are ill-fitted for such tactics, are generally considered to be cowards, renegades, or desperate survivors. Despite these values, ruling powers would still utilize assassins and saboteurs for their own ends, before the planet's colonization in 2402. Also notable is despite these values regarding combat and conflict, the vuulen still tend to highly cherish culture and the arts, giving high praise or consideration to projects or masterworks which embody the spirit and power of one or several.

Amusingly Lizardpeople who work with Nanotrasen Security forces also near universally show a near unbreakable show of loyalty to their team. However this can be more attributed to how NT Security heavily emphasizes friendship and cooperation between security personal which thus encourages high loyalty, that and a big pay check.
Traditional values and morals which spewed from the variety of pantheons tend to emphasize communal well-being and safety above all else. As the beliefs themselves were never given enough traction, as their societies tended toward pragmaticism, religion as an establishment does not truly exist within genuine vuulen communities. As a result, vuulen tend to be spiritual in nature, with beliefs highly relevant to the self and one's goals for themselves and their communities, and, as an extension, the universe.
==Lifespan and Health==
Lizardpeople are a optional playable race. You can make a lizard character in the character panel, and change aspects of its appearance such as skin color, spines and antennae. Lizards attack with their claws to slash and hack people, though this does not deal any additional damage. They also tend to hiss when talking.
On average, vuulen live to about 150 years, as their matured periods tend to be more drawn out than humans, experiencing periods of young, middle, and end adulthood longer than humans. As a result of their larger bodies, however, some can more quickly suffer if they fail to maintain exercise and proper muscle:fat ratios. The significantly hazardous conditions in several industrial or mining zones on Sangris mean some develop a condition simply referred to as "plaslung", where continued, unprotected exposure to inhaled plasma particles causes the lungs to suffer and burn uncomfortably and chronically, often resulting in a significantly reduced lifespan. Significant cases have seen certain individuals spontaneously and internally combust after smoking or breathing fire, as very, very few vuulen are capable of.
The relative height and strength of vuulen means their diet tends to consist of meat or other high-protein foods. While most dislike sweets or overly processed foods, some who grow up in human communities take a liking to certain stuffings, despite its disagreement with their biology. The high-intake of calories also tends to provoke long, blissful sleep in the species.

Random names for lizardpeople are hypenated. They are generated by taking two names from a gender-specific list of lizard names.
Much like their simple cousins, they enjoy sunbathing and relishing in heat. While not cold-blooded, they are much more prone to hypothermia and colds as a result of their central body temperature dropping below average levels.

Note that as a lizard, the AI does not consider you human and is not obligated to listen to you and an Asimov AI will often respond lethally should they find you harming a human, however this also means the AI can allow you to put yourself into harm's way in a positive manner, such as opening a airlock exposed to space to save someone. Also, [[Captain|certain]] [[Head of Personnel|crew members]] will show you depths of racism previously reserved for the clown. Central Command also maintains a strict "Human-Only" policy for Command Staff roles. But hey, special snowflake colors!
The average height of a male vuulen sits at about 6'8", whereas women tend to be an average height of 6'4", with a significant variation of ~1.5 feet, depending on the specific climate the lizardperson hails their ancestry from. Despite the difference in sizes, men and women tend to be of about the same strength. Vague trends indicate men as being slightly strong while women have slightly more endurance, though the wide variety of heights and builds among the vuulen makes these observations generally null.
==Roleplay Traits==
*Relatively similar to humans in speech and mannerisms, including body language
*Tend to place greater importance on the body and maintaining good health
*Some are too keenly aware of the horrors their species has suffered, others are oblivious, ignorant, or otherwise uneducated
*Develops at about the same rate as humans, though when mature, they live significantly longer, to about 150 years
*More likely to be communal, as well as more capable of forming bonds of trust with colleagues or friends, which makes them ideal for teams that benefit from camaraderie
*Various reactions to discrimination- it can be violence, ignorance, or friendliness, among some examples
*Higher metabolisms and deeper sleeping cycles than humans; they possess less endurance, but greater strength and speed


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