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|headerbgcolor = darkblue
|headerbgcolor = #334E6D
|headerfontcolor = white
|headerfontcolor = white
|stafftype = COMMAND
|stafftype = COMMAND & SUPPLY
|imagebgcolor = lightblue
|imagebgcolor = #ACC1D8
|img_generic = Generic_hop.png
|img_generic = Generic_hop.png
|img = Corgi.PNG
|img = HoP_Action.png
|jobtitle = Head of Personnel
|jobtitle = Head of Personnel
|access = [[Chapel|Full]] [[Theatre|access]] [[Law Office|to]] [[Bar|all]] [[Hydroponics|civil]] [[Library|and]] [[Cargo Bay|supply]] [[Mining Station|departments]], [[Morgue]], [[Security Office]], [[Brig]], [[Research Division]], [[Medbay]], [[Engineering]], [[Construction Area]], [[Maintenance]], [[EVA]], [[AI Upload]], [[Bridge]], [[Vault]], [[Gateway]], HoP locker, Personal Lockers, ID computer.
|titles=Chief of Staff, Head of Internal Affairs, First Officer
|difficulty = Hard
|access = [[Chapel|Full]] [[Theatre|access]] [[Law Office|to]] [[Bar|all]] [[Hydroponics|civil]] [[Library|and]] [[Cargo Bay|supply]] [[Mining Station|departments]], Weapon Permit, [[Morgue]], [[Security Office]], [[Brig]], [[Research Division]], [[Medbay]], [[Engineering]], [[Construction Area]], [[Maintenance]], [[EVA]], [[AI Upload]], [[Bridge]], [[Vault]], HoP locker, Personal Lockers, Service Hall, [[Computers#Identification_Console|Full ID console access]].
|additional = N/A
|difficulty = Medium
|superior = [[Captain]]
|superior = [[Captain]]
|duties = Altering access on [[ID|ID cards]], manage civil and supply departments, being [[Ian]]'s bodyguard, running the ship when the captain dies
|subordinates = [[Quartermaster]], [[Janitor]], [[Bartender]], [[Cook]], [[Botanist]], [[Lawyer]], [[Clown]], [[Mime]], [[Artist]], [[Chaplain]], [[Curator]], and [[Clerk]]
|guides = [[Space Law]], [[Chain of Command]], [[Identification Card#ID Console Access List|Default ID Access List]]
|duties = Altering access on [[ID|ID cards]], manage civil and supply departments, being [[Ian]]'s bodyguard, running the station when the captain dies
|guides = [[Chain of Command]], [[Official:Disk_Procedure|Disk Procedure]], [[Identification Card]]
|quote = It seems you forgot a pen. I’d let you borrow mine, but that is property of Nanotrasen, so you will have to fill out this form to requisition it.
You are the Head of Personnel. Your primary responsibility is to sit in your [[Head of Personnel's Office|office]] and listen to people request access to X area or ask for Y job. You also ensure the [[Quartermaster]] manages the supply sector well and that each civil department is working. Should the worst come to pass, you will also need to assume command of the station as acting [[Captain]].

You are the Head of Personnel. You are the one on the left. The one on the right is a dog. You are not a dog. Your main responsibility is to sit in your [[Head of Personnel's Office|office]] and listen to people request access to X area or ask for Y job. You are also in charge of making sure the [[Quartermaster]] is managing the supply sector well and that each civil department is working.
'''Remember you are not security''', unless you are the acting Captain or during an emergency. Self-defense is acceptable, but hunting people down and arresting them is not.

[[File:HopOffice.png|300px|thumb|alt=HoP Office|[[Head of Personnel's Office|Your office.]] You sit in it.]]<br>
'''Bare minimum requirements:''' Stay at your desk for the first 10 minutes, and don't wander off far.
[[File:Bridge.png|300px|thumb|alt=Bridge|The [[Bridge]]]]<br>
== Responsibilites ==
[[File:HopOffice small.png|300px|thumb|alt=HoP Office|[[Head of Personnel's Office|Your office.]] You sit in it.]]
=== ID Changes ===
Your primary purpose is to sit at your desk and process people's requests for access. People often wish to change jobs or require additional access to do their job more effectively (or further their dirty Syndicate goals). It's also your responsibility to wipe access from the IDs of troublemakers at the request of other heads.

==Fairy Godmother==
People will come to you with requests ranging from outlandish to mundane, so use your brain and ask a Head over the command channel for any objections before assigning someone to their department. Note that you will be held accountable if you give out access to a department without authorization from its head. Use common sense: [[maintenance]] access isn't a big deal; access to [[Toxins Lab|toxins]] is.

Your job is to modify ID's when people request job changes and ask for extra access. Make sure to clear the requests with the appropriate department head. If you can't reach the head, ask the Captain. If you can't reach the Captain, decide for yourself. If there's no Captain, you're probably acting Captain, so again, decide for yourself. Promoting someone to a [[Heads of Staff|command]] position should not be done without consulting the [[Captain]].
'''Do not ignore heads of staff, add people to departments, or hand out all access without a good reason. You are in a position of great power and can singlehandedly cause the station's destruction. Take your job seriously, do not squander the accessing computer and cause trouble for the station without a purpose, like being an antagonist.'''
==== Your ID ====
If you plan to make yourself an all-access Hero the Station Deserves, bear in mind that access is not equivalent to permission, and security will arrest you and throw you in the Brig, or the [[Captain]] may demote you if you're seen waltzing into high-security areas you're not supposed to be in. Talk to the head of the department you're visiting and ask before taking anything valuable.
=== Job Slots ===
Your ID console can open and close slots for the majority of jobs. This is useful for <s>opening infinite clown positions oh god</s> situations where no more positions remain available and helps significantly to stem the sudden influx of 20+ assistants clamoring for access. This is also an excellent tool when somebody who has taken a valuable job is either dead, demoted, traitorous, or an all-around useless chucklefuck.

Every now and then, someone wants to become a superhero of some sort. Use your own judgement to decide whether that's wise. People will come to you with requests ranging from outlandish to mundane, so use your own brain to sort out their trustworthiness (or just hand out access like candy at a parade and get arrested).
If you're feeling creative, make up your jobs with custom titles and access levels. There's a world of fun [[Assistant#Gimmicks|gimmicks]] you can play around with.
=== Departmental Management ===
You're <s>supposed to be</s> in charge of the civilian and supply departments. Nobody in these departments will listen to whatever stupid orders you give, but feel free to befriend the quartermaster by opening secure crates for them, smoke weed with the botanists, or take a relaxing break on the mining base.
=== Acting Captain ===
Suppose the real Captain is KIA, MIA, or never arrives. In that case, the Chain of Command dictates that it is your job to <s>start a massive civil war against Security with your buddies in Cargo</s> step up and assume the position until they return. If this is the case at the start of the round, it is typically wise to make your first order of business the securing of the essential items inside the [[Captain's Quarters]]: The Captain's Spare ID, the Nuclear Authentication Disk, and the corresponding Pinpointer. Picking up the Hand Teleporter never hurt anybody, considering it makes for a powerful escape tool in emergencies. Do not forget that you will need to up your access (Preferably to Captain levels) to do so. The Pinpointer is often best left in the hands of the Head of Security or the Warden so that they can find your battered corpse or the perpetrator of your murder - Or track you down if you give them a reason.

===Be Careful What You Wish For===
Please don't take too long to secure the Captain's items, or else either the Head of Security or some Assistant will take the mandate of Acting Captain upon themselves. Either way, it's a fight you'll have a hard time winning.
=== Crew Relations ===
Due to your low workload compared to other heads, it's a good idea always to pay attention to the common radio channel. People will often try to use this to summon you to your office when they need an ID upgrade. Aside from that, it never hurts to have an awareness of what's going on around the station. Chat with the crew, so they know you're not the stereotypical helmeted all-access mute that has come to epitomize the position.
=== Ian ===
Just so we're clear. Ian is ''your'' little buddy. Protect him from the [[traitor|various]] [[assistant|dangerous]] [[clown|criminals]], and make sure he escapes on the shuttle alive. This is your most important job of all.
== Other Things to Know ==
=== You and Security ===
The Head of Personnel's locker contains an armor vest, sunglasses, a flash, cable cuffs, and an Energy Pistol. However, [[Contributors#Staff|CentComm]] has decided that the HoP is not a member of security. You have been given all the tools to be an effective vigilante, but your bosses have mandated otherwise. Unless you are the acting captain or the station goes into [[Nuclear Operative|Red Alert]], you shouldn't be using your equipment ''offensively''. However, if [[Clown|someone]] breaks into your office, you should <s>shoot them dead</s>, stun & cuff them. After they're detained, you should ask security to take care of them. If security is busy, release them back into [[Waste Disposal|the hallway]].
=== Taking a Stroll as John Doe ===
When [[Revolution]] abounds, you will be one of the more well-armed and threatening heads. However, because of your supreme ID abilities, you'll also be one of the most valuable heads to lynch & loot.

Who ever said Fairy Godmothers had to be benevolent? Whilst a little on the cruel side, you can strip unsuspecting people of their access to areas. This should be used as a punishment and not just a way to be a dick. Please remember that being a dick is bad, and should only be reserved for when you are a traitor.  
Your first move should be to [[Guide to construction#Computers%202|deconstruct]] your ID console and [[Guide to construction#Computers|reassemble]] it somewhere more secure (probably [[Security Office|security]]). Please leave a valid ID-Console card in it so security officers, heads, and the implanted can give themselves all-access.

If you deny someone's access request and they refuse to step out of the line, feel free to tase them with your energy gun so the next person can move up.
If shit hits the fan and you need to hide, pick a job where it's natural to wear a mask that hides your face. [[Scientist|Scientists]], [[Engineer|engineers]], [[Mime|mimes]], and [[Clown|clowns]] are all excellent examples. Make yourself a Captain ID with that job title and a false name. Travel to where the equipment lockers for that job are kept and get dressed. Put your old clothes and equipment in your old backpack and put it into the locker, locking it after you're finished. If you leave your Head of Personnel's jumpsuit beside an open Engineer locker, anyone who sees it will figure out what you're disguised as. If you want to be an even more stealthy HoP, head to genetics and turn a monkey into a human. Proceed to stab yourself with the UI+UE of said monkey. Then, use your ID console to get an all-access ID with your new name on it.

If someone abuses their access, you are well within your rights to demote them to a lower position after consulting their Head of Staff. Demoting a Head however, is something that should be done with the [[Captain]]'s consent.
If you're the last remaining head, in the interest of fair play, you should try to escape the z-level instead of extending the round for your benefit at the expense of all the dead people stuck sitting out. This will cause the revolutionaries to win, but you will survive. Self-preservation is a valid reason for ending the round.
=== Gangs ===
When a [[Gang War]] happens, you will be one of the more well-armed, and you can mass produce all-access IDs, and you do not start the round loyalty implanted. As a result of this, you are a prime target for conversion. As soon as you hear that a gang has been discovered, move your ID console to security and get yourself implanted, assuming security hasn't made [[Gangs|an offer they can't refuse]].

===Security Plus===
It is in your best interest to cooperate with security early on, as Gangs tend to bring out the worst in security, and being on their side early on can spare you much pain later on. Unless, of course, you've already pledged your allegiance to a gang.
When shit really hits the fan, make sure to get security officers to come to you. Upgrade their ID's quickly with what ever access is needed for them to do their jobs without the need of the AI to open doors for them. Recommended for syndicate agent threats and revolutions.
=== Tips ===
* As a fail-safe, you can remove your ID console access after granting it to a special blank card. This should slow people who attempt to use your stolen ID to hand out all-access.
You have security access, an energy gun, and access to the security radio channel. If security can't manage on their own, don't be afraid to arrest and brig criminals.
* A good tactic is to have three ID cards on you. One ID is your general ID card (but with ID Console access removed), a second blank card is your hidden all access ID card (with ID Console access removed), and the final card is your actual ID Console access card. Hide or place your two unique access cards (one of your ID Card boxes helps) and shuffle the deck. This will make it extremely hard for anyone who killed you to figure out which card is the all-access.
* You can heal Ian by applying sutures to him.
==The Five Points of Human Resources Management==
* If Ian is getting in your way, you can buckle him to his bed like it were a chair.
The Head of Personnel can either be a Godsend or worse than a banana-flinging clown for the station. He can also savor the prestige or feel shackled to the ID computer. If you find yourself wearing teal, make the most of it by doing your job correctly.
* You are sought out more often than Captain because HoP is less equipped and an effective way to get AA. Try not to wander into maints or catch yourself alone in obscured places.
* If you're a failure and allow Ian to die in a shift, Ian will be a puppy at the start of the next shift. If Ian survives multiple rounds, Ian will be loaded on a wheelchair. Finally, if Narsie touches Ian, he will turn into Narsie-Ian with a new demonic look.
'''1. Support the Captain.''' Always be on the captain's side, at least publicly. Remember that since you'll take up his banner if, or more often when, he's slain, you're the ''de facto'' second in command. Be sure to work as a team to lead the crew. If he's demanding, be persuasive. If he's soft-spoken, be a task-master. This means anyone annoyed at his leadership style will likely follow yours, but it also means he has to trust you. Earn this trust by making frequent use of command chat (:c) and deferring to him on matters of great importance, like assigning new heads or calling the shuttle. Recognize, however, that you do not outrank any other Heads of Staff. You are simply sitting at the Captain's right hand, entrusted to the keys to the station, while all other heads must beg at your feet for access to so much as the bar. Don't let it go to your head, and the Head of Security won't brain you.
* Ian can be instantly revived if you use a strange reagent on them.
* If Ian is put inside a laundry machine turned on, he will be gibbed upon it finishing its cycle.
'''2. Uphold the Rights of Crewmen.''' Only the Captain can authorize a death warrant, and you are sometimes tasked with judging trials under [[Space Law]]. You are normally considered the most impartial officer for this task, which prevents the appearance of a mere kangaroo court. Furthermore, Security often commits excesses and the Captain is either dead or personally involved in a case. For these reasons, you need to be sure to call for trials for high crimes before the accused gets left to rot in a permacell forever. While this may put you at odds with Security, you should find them fanatically loyal to the Captain, who hopefully makes clear his full confidence in you. This delicate balance of power prevents excesses against the crew. Almost always, a weak Captain and Head of Personnel will result in [[shitcurity|shitcurity]].
=== Inhuman Resources ===
Like a Chief Engineer tasked with stealing his blueprints, traitor HoP <s>is the most straightforward job on the station</s>. Round start antagonist roles do not exist for the HoP on Yogstation. However, as the HoP, you can be [[Blood Cult|converted]] by [[Gang War|various]] [[Clockwork Cult|degenerate]] [[Traitor|criminals]] after a round starts or promoted by short-sighted [[Captain|Captains]]. The HoP is not currently immune to becoming [[Obsessed]] or [[Heretic]].
'''3. Follow the Principle of Least Privilege.''' When assigning new access levels or creating new jobs, ask yourself just how much access is really needed to perform the task. If a hardworking engineer wants EVA access, consider if he really needs access or just for you to open the door for him while he gets a suit. If the chaplain is being proactive about finding bodies but often needs people to open doors, maybe the risk of giving him more access is less than gain from increasing his effectiveness. Decisions like these keep the station more secure from thieves weaseling their way to their targets and cuts down on the number of accidental arrests made by Security for assumed trespassing. Remember to write their increased access or privilaged items on a sheet of paper and give it a good stamping so the janitor will be able to show why he's mopping Medbay's floors.  
'''4. Talk to the Crew.''' The Captain gets nervous when someone stands next to him for too long. The Head of Security is too busy beating the clown. The Research Director is on fire, the Chief Medical Officer is up to his elbows in gore, and the Chief Engineer is trying to keep everyone warm and breathing in a vaccuum. You're really the only head able to take time and listen to the crew. Invite crewmen to talk to you when there are conflicts. Defuse the interpersonal and interdepartmental problems you discover during these conversations, and prevent grievances from becoming grief. Advocate on behalf of the robusted to security, and generally reduce the frequency and intensity of mutinies.
'''5. Manage your Department First.''' While technically you can demote everyone who's ID you sieze to assistant, managing civilian workers not under another head is your immediate responsibility. Keeping janitors on task, directing the chef to throw a pizza party, ensuring the [[Quartermaster]] is on top of things, and getting the records up to date are the first thing to do after assigning job and access changes. Demoting bad security officers or stepping in for an absent department head also falls on your desk, but going into other departments to micromanage in front of their head is both bad form and likely to make you reviled. Always clear a demotion with their department head, or ideally, have all the heads aware they can send troublesome employees your way to be sent to the mining base. This lets you focus on your immediate underlings and avoid stepping on toes.
Just so we're clear. Ian is YOUR little buddy. Protect him from the [[traitor|various]] [[assistant|dangerous]] [[clown|criminals]].
You can put hats, armour and station bounced radios on him.
'''Author's note:''' I am hurt that people think Ian is a reference to Cowboy Bebop, when I didn't even know that show existed when I named him.
==Taking a Stroll as John Doe==
When [[Revolution]] abounds, you will be one of the more well armed and threatening heads. A tendency for disappearing acts makes the Head of Personnel usually the hardest Head to kill.
You first move should be to [[Guide_to_construction#Computers_2|deconstruct]] your ID console and [[Guide_to_construction#Computers|reassemble]] it somewhere more secure (probably [[Security_Office|security]]). Leave an ID computer ID in it so security officers, heads and the implanted can give themselves all-access.
If shit hits the fan and you need to hide, pick a job where it's natural to be wearing a mask that hides your face. [[Scientist]], [[engineer]], [[mime]] and [[clown]] are all good examples. Make yourself a Captain ID with that job title and a false name. Travel to where the equipment lockers for that job are kept, and get dressed. Put your old clothes and equipment in your old backpack and put it into the locker, locking it after you're finished. If you leave your Head of Personnel's jumpsuit lying beside an open Engineer locker, anyone who sees it will figure out what you're disguised as. If you want to be an even more stealthy HoP, head to genetics and turn a monkey into a human. Proceed to stab yourself with the UI+UE of said monkey. Then just go and use your ID console to get an all access ID with your new name on it.
If you're the last remaining head, in the interest of fair play, you should try to escape the z-level instead of extending the round for your own benefit at the expense of all the dead people stuck sitting out. This will cause the revolutionaries to win, but you will survive. Self-preservation is a valid roleplay reason for ending the round.
==Inhuman Resources==
Short of a Captain tasked with stealing his own jumpsuit or a Chief Engineer with his own blueprints, traitor HoP is the easiest traitor job on the station. Give yourself all-access, use cargo for free parapens and guns. Be careful not to go too crazy with changing other people's access, though, because the other heads WILL be hammering down your door if they think you're doing your job poorly.

If you're subverted, it will become your duty to serve your new coworkers.
* Use your ID console to quietly slip all-access onto the ID cards of your newfound friends. However, be careful not to change their job title, or it'll be evident to all of Security what has happened. Security will instantly know [[Ian|whom to look for]].
* You'll likely be trusted in and around the armory, and it'll be easy to take advantage of this when [[Warden|no one]] is looking. Share gifts.
* If you depose the Captain, you can all but put Security under your thumb. But be wary not to get on the nerves of the Head of Security. He's the only person on the station who would dare to confront the Captain and win.
* As gangster HoP, you are the closest person to the [[High-risk items#Nuclear%20Authentication%20Disk|disk]]. If you don't already have the disk, it shouldn't be too hard for you to corner the Captain or take the [[Pinpointer]] that he conveniently left in his office.
[[Category: Jobs]]
[[Category: Jobs]]
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