Template:Job This is the captain's test page. It is still a work in progress!

Captain overview

You are the captain of the station.

You are the captain and are in control of the station.

Your duties include.

1.)Making sure the station stays in working shape.

2.)Making sure the heads run there departments well.

3.)Settling disputes between the heads.

4.)Protecting the nuclear disc.

Tools & gear

As the captain you have some of the most prestigious gear in the game, here is a list:

 1.) Captains jumpsuit.
                   2.) Captains carapace with a hat to go with it.
                   3.) Captains gloves.
                   4.) An energy gun.
                   5.) Captains spare ID.
                   6.) The nuclear disc.
                   7.) Sunglasses.
                  8.)Captains space suit and helmet(located in the space closet in your office).