4th February
Skrem7: slugs have even more damage falloff and overall shotgun pellet reworks
Skrem7: spread for LWT-650 and K-41s DMRs has been set to 2, from 5
ynot01: Added some info to cloaker belt
ynot01: Made cult runes even harder to tell apart from fake ones
2nd February
ynot01: Disabled CentCom Raven Cruiser
1st February
MajManatee: L6 is no longer just a better minigun
@thegoldencat413 @Chubbygummibear @cuackles @cowbot92 @Mqiib @slicerv and saucecat: Adds the buster arm
TheRyeGuyWhoWillNowDie: riot shotguns are two-handed