6th February
SomeguyManperson updated:
- fix polaroid objective for obsessed
- Obsessed now has a chance to have a protect/maroon objective instead of a kill objective
- Moves around some academy mobs and the mirror, gives wizards boss level sentience
ynot01 updated:
Hopekz updated:
boodaliboo updated:
5th February
Potototatoh updated:
1st February
DerelictDrone updated:
ynot01 updated:
29th January
DerelictDrone updated:
28th January
SomeguyManperson updated:
- Nicotine addictions now can cause you to drop items and overdosing on nicotine will cause lung damage.
- unstable is mood quirk and gives points
- Removes the absolution holoparasite special ability since its not a jojo reference