Joined 14 November 2017
- Queenbee
- Stuffed teddy overseer
- Trump's alt
A list of the lobby music used on YogStation13.
lobby music can be found here you moron ---> LINK to exact git file
Past it here so I don't have to look it up to see if its what I meant
Headline text
Guide to prs for peabrains
setting up
- Make an account on github
- Install on the default settings:
- Open git bash
- Type: git config --global "Name"
- Replace "Name" with your Github name
- Type: git config --global "email address"
- Replace "email address" with your Github email
- Install, when given an option choose OpenSSH not TortoisePLink:
- Press fork, then click your name:
- Go to your fork, click clone or download, copy the download link
- Make a folder in My Documents. Right click folder -> git clone -> URL: paste the download link -> ok
- Inside your folder, a new folder will appear. Right click this folder -> tortoise git -> settings
- Remote -> remote -> upstream -> (URL) -> add new/save -> Yes, Yes, Ok
- Right click the folder again -> tortoise git -> pull. Remote (upstream), Remote branch (master)
- Make sure you have "Show hidden files" on to see all the full files and folders
make a new branch
- Right-click folder, tortoisegit, fetch..., remote "Upstream", "ok"
- Right-click folder, tortoisegit, switch/checkout.... Branch "...", + remotes, upstream, master, "ok". Create New Branch - name whatever. "Ok"
make a pr
- Make any changes you want
- Right-click folder, Git Commit
- Commit and push to origin
- Go to, wait for an option to appear that will let you make a pr with your edits
for maps
- Download python 3.7 Check add python as PATH.
- \tools\mapmerge2 -> requirements-install.bat.
- \tools\mapmerge2 -> mapmerge.
- Choose the number or numbers of the maps.