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== Space Law ==
Hallo!! My names Sam and I'm a retired(Ex-council)min in Yogstation! I live in Ireland and like to complain about things :D
Within SS13 I like to be a member of Security.
====Minor Crimes====
{| width='825px' style='text-align:center; background-color:#ffee99;' border=1 cellspacing=0
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='130px'|Crime
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='300px'|Description
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='300px'|Sentencing
|'''Indecent Exposure'''
|To be intentionally nude in a public area without due cause.
|1 warning prior to arrest.
1-minute sentence after receiving a warning.
+ Sentencing to be increased by 1 minute without warning, if committed again.
|Following a crew member around with the intent to annoy, verbal harassment over the radio, the act of sending repeated unwanted PDA messages.
Applies to any and all crew (including the captain).
|2 minutes.
+ Confiscation of PDA, if used in the harassment.
|'''Narcotics Possession'''
|The possession of space drugs or other narcotics by crewmembers who are not of the Medical/Science departments.
• Botanists are not exempt from this law; they are to turn over all narcotics to the Medical/Science departments immediately upon harvest.
|2 minutes.
+ Confiscation of narcotics in their possession, to be moved to evidence lockers.
{| width='825px' style='text-align:center; background-color:#FF9966;' border=1 cellspacing=0
! style='background-color:#ff9966;'width='130px'|Crime
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='300px'|Description
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='300px'|Sentencing
====Standard Crimes====
|'''Impeding the Workforce'''
|This crime includes, but is not limited to:
*blocking people from their place of work
*failure to use wet floor signs while moping
*refusal to produce goods required by other crew
*failure to provide services required by other crew.
|2 minutes.
:+ Doubled on the second offense.
:+ Temporary demotion on the third offense.
:+ Permanent demotion on the fourth offense.
|To take items from areas one does not have access to; to take items belonging to others; to take items belonging to the station as a whole.
* The items must not be considered high-risk or a prerequisite to standard station operation.
|2 minutes for every item stolen.
:+ Demotion after five cases of theft.
|To steal items from the direct possession of another.
|2 minutes for every item stolen.
:+ Demotion after five cases of pick-pocketing.
|'''Narcotics Distribution'''
|The act of distributing narcotics and other controlled substances.
|2 minutes for every 10-units distributed.
:+ Demotion if 50-units or more.
|The act of damaging or defacing the station without the intent to cause harm to the crew.
Examples include:
* breaking windows, tables, chairs, etc.
* graffiti and/or simply making a large mess of the station.
|3 minutes.
|'''Break and Entry'''
|The act of forcibly gaining entry to an area that you do not have access to and is not classified as a secure or command zone.
|3 minutes.
|'''Criminal Negligence
'''(Creating a Workplace Hazard)'''
|To endanger the crew or station through negligent or irresponsible, but not deliberately malicious, actions.
*Examples: accidentally releasing gasses, breaking windows to space, damaging door wiring during maintenance, neglecting the singularity.
|3 minutes.
{| width='825px' style='text-align:center; background-color:#96cdcd;' border=1 cellspacing=0
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='130px'|Crime
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='300px'|Description
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='300px'|Sentencing
====Major Crimes====
|'''Major Theft'''
|Major Trespass The act of trespassing in a secure, restricted (but not command) location of the station without prior authorization.
*These areas include: all Security areas/offices, Toxins Research, Xenobiology, Virology, and Engineering.
|3 minutes for every item stolen.
:+ Demotion at four objects.
|'''Major Trespass'''
|The act of trespassing in a secure, restricted (but not command) location of the station without prior authorization.
*These areas include: all Security areas/offices, Toxins Research, Xenobiology, Virology, and Engineering.
|4 minutes.
|To use physical force against someone without the apparent intent to kill them.
|4 minutes.
:+ Demotion at three cases.
|The act of damaging the station or impeding the crew with the intent to cause harm or loss of revenue.
* This includes all crimes described under the ‘Impeding the Workforce’ law.
* This also includes all crimes described under the ‘Criminal Negligence/Creating a Workplace Hazard’ law, if done maliciously.
|4 minutes.
:+ Demotion at four cases.
|'''Failure to Provide Essential Services'''
|The act of failing to provide services such as (but not limited to): medical care, cloning, food substances if possible, or a fair trial.
|5 minutes.
+ Demotion after the second offense.
{| width='825px' style='text-align:center; background-color:#b2497d;' border=1 cellspacing=0
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='130px'|Crime
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='300px'|Description
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='300px'|Sentencing
====High Crimes====
|'''Assault of an Officer
|The assault of a security officer, warden, or Head of Staff, with or without a weapon, without the apparent intent to kill.
|7 minutes.
:+ Demotion on the second offense.
|'''Assault with a Deadly Weapon'''
|The act of assaulting a crew member with an object that could be described as a weapon, without the apparent intent to kill.
|7 minutes.
:+ Demotion on the second offense.
|'''Break and Entry of a Command Area'''
|The act of breaking into an area secured by a command door or the office of a Head of Staff.
|5 minutes.
|The act of causing the death of another through Criminal Negligence/Creating a Workplace Hazard.
|6 minutes per death.
:+ Demotion on the third offense.
|'''Impeding Essential Services'''
|The act of impeding essential services, defined under the ‘Failure to Provide Essential Services’ law, with the intent to cause harm to the crew.
*Examples of essential services include, but are not limited to: medical care, cloning, food substances if possible, or a fair trial.
|7 minutes.
:+ Mandatory demotion.
{| width='825px' style='text-align:center; background-color:#b272a6;' border=1 cellspacing=0
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='130px'|Crime
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='300px'|Description
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='300px'|Sentencing
====Acts of Treason====
|'''Grand Sabotage'''
|The act of damaging or destroying large sections of the station with the intent to kill or maim the crew, as well as cause massive loss of revenue.
Examples include:
* setting off bombs
* disabling/overloading the engine
* damaging/destroying the station AI, or its attending cyborg(s)
* damaging or destroying essential medical equipment.
|Mandatory permanent imprisonment.
|'''Murder/Attempted Murder'''
|The act of a killing, or attempting to kill, another crew member who is not a Head of Staff.
|10 minutes.
:+ Mandatory demotion.
:+ Mandatory imprisonment on the second offense.
|'''Attempted Murder of an Officer'''
|The same as the ‘Murder/Attempted Murder’ law, but attempted on a security officer or Head of Staff.
|Mandatory imprisonment.
|'''Collaboration with the Enemy'''
|The act of working for an enemy organization, such as the Syndicate.
|Mandatory imprisonment.
|'''Providing Aid or Comfort to the Enemy'''
|The act of harboring or otherwise aiding those convicted of Collaboration with the Enemy.
|10 minutes.
:+ Mandatory demotion.
|'''Impeding an Officer in an Emergency Situation'''
|The act of impeding an officer in any way during Code Red or Code Delta situations.
|10 minutes or until the situation is resolved (whichever comes first).
|The act of escaping, or aiding the escape of another, from imprisonment.
|* 10 minutes for anyone aiding the escape + double the imprisonment of those escaping.
* Permanent imprisonment for those already sentenced to 10 minutes.
* Possible execution for those already sentenced to permanent imprisonment.
{| width='825px' style='text-align:center; background-color:#a6d785;' border=1 cellspacing=0
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='130px'|Crime
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='300px'|Description
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='300px'|Sentencing
{| width='825px' style='text-align:center; background-color:#a6d785;' border=1 cellspacing=0
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='130px'|Crime
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='300px'|Description
! style='background-color:#ffffcc;'width='300px'|Sentencing
====Modifiers and Special Situations====
|'''Resisting Arrest'''
|Attempting to resist a lawful arrest.
|1 minute added to sentencing.
|'''Evading Arrest'''
|The same described under ‘Resisting Arrest,’ but causing the arrest to require more than 2 minutes of time.
|2 minutes added to sentencing.
|The act of killing or injuring another in the defense of yourself.
|Sentence-reduction by 50%.
:+ Removes any mandatory demotions.
|The act of being converted back to a loyal member of the crew, from cultist.
|Immediate release if under 5 minutes.
* Sentence-reduction by 50%, if over 5 minutes.
* Sentence-reduction to 5 minutes, if a permanent imprisonment.
* Sentence-reduction to permanent imprisonment, if set for execution.
|'''Cooperation with Security'''
|The act of providing information on fellow Syndicate agents or revolutionaries.
|Same rules as defined under ‘Reeducation.’
|'''Applying for Exile'''
|Those who are sentenced to permanent imprisonment may apply to be exiled to the mines, where they may work off their debt to the company.
|Breach of exile results in summary execution.
|'''Emergency Situations'''
|Code Red or Code Delta situations.
|*All sentences are doubled.
*Any right to trial is waved.

Latest revision as of 09:47, 11 June 2014

Hallo!! My names Sam and I'm a retired(Ex-council)min in Yogstation! I live in Ireland and like to complain about things :D Within SS13 I like to be a member of Security.