
Joined 28 April 2024
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Revival is standard as in other species, except for cloning. Vox bodies are unable to be cloned due to their unique physiology.
Revival is standard as in other species, except for cloning. Vox bodies are unable to be cloned due to their unique physiology.
= Lore =
= Lore =
'''Vox''' are artificially created species that live in environments where nitrogen is their breathing gas. They inhabit colossal moon-sized vessels known as arkships or arks, scattered across the remote fringes of the Orion Sector's outer rim. Its species features several races that live and work alongside each other, among these are the Vox Primalis, which are drones and the main bulk of the species. Primalis are ingrained in a rigid caste system from birth, a structure overseen by the superior races of Vox Armalis and the elite Primalis, who function as both fanatic zealots and guardians of their respective arks. The ark's governance revolves around a theocratic system venerating the Vox Auralis, a powerful vox whose path to ascension is dogmatically followed and taught to all Vox, to engrain their role in the larger purpose and preservation directed by their god.
Despite their complex society, Voxkind exerts minimal influence in the sector, primarily due to their arkships' strategic distance from core worlds, a deliberate choice to avoid interactions with other species. Despite the distance, Vox individuals are occasionally encountered outside their arks, often as exiles, wanderers, or raiders on a sacred mission for their ark. These rarities and their secretive disposition have unfortunately led to widespread mistrust and prejudice against the Vox by other species, fueled by historical incidents and governmental biases.
Consistent in their isolationism, internal strife is rampant within Voxkind. Arkships often engage in covert assaults or sabotage missions against each other, driven by the zealots under faith to their respective Auralis. Even so, the arkships are not strangers to internal conflict, with the populace frequently fighting due to the caste system they work in, and suppression of free thought or wrong ideologies opposing the system.
== Behavior ==
== Behavior ==
Vox will never willingly surrender unless the only other alternative is death. However, they will happily fake surrender if it puts them in a better position to escape. They lie as easily as they breathe and appear fearless despite their propensity for running like the clappers at the first sign of trouble.
Vox will never willingly surrender unless the only other alternative is death. However, they will happily fake surrender if it puts them in a better position to escape. They lie as easily as they breathe and appear fearless despite their propensity for running like the clappers at the first sign of trouble.
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Civilian crews have no staff roster, just families. If a ship has no families that work a certain trade they will try to exchange families with another ship or ark.
Civilian crews have no staff roster, just families. If a ship has no families that work a certain trade they will try to exchange families with another ship or ark.
There are many different types of Vox within the species physiology. While distinct and fulfilling specific roles within their ark, have complexity in appearance and size.
===Vox Primalis===
The majority of observed Vox belong to the Primalis category and range from 61cm to 183cm, with sizes being dependent on the original work designation of the body. Primalis are considered the general population of an ark, making up a majority of the vox living there by a significant margin. Their numerous population is for the sole purpose of working and maintaining the arkships infrastructures, tasks, and daily life of vox. Existence as a Primalis can range depending on position within the Vox caste, as Vox can either be leaders and significant authority figures or disposable workers.
While the body of a Primalis can range from tiny to large, they contain higher concentrates of musculature that is highly dense and capable of extremely powerful and rapid movement. Primalis physiology is ideal for sprinting and repetitive tasks, something that is necessary for their life aboard arkships, and the designations they operate under. Despite their engineered physiology, these benefits are locked to specific body types, meaning Vox who seek certain attributes and physical appearance need specific artificially made bodies with those features, these can range from height, to muscle mass, skeletal structure, and even beak shape and appearance. Rumor's even speculate of Vox who have managed to have bodies modified under unique circumstances, extra eyes, split beaks, and even different bone structure, this however has never been proven or discovered outside arkships and is considered a tale by most.
===Vox Armalis===
These Vox are considered the perfect creation of the Auralis, and are powerful in strength, and intelligence. Visually they have a third eye and minimum height of 2.43 meters. They are created with the sole purpose of leadership roles, acting as overseers, fleet commanders, and any critical position inside an ark. They are bulky in size, containing more muscle mass and strength in their giant bodies compared to a Primalis with the ability to easily snap bones or crush arkship walls with ease.
While they are gifted muscular super strength at birth, they are hyper intelligent, able to process multiple tasks without breaking the flow of concentration. With all these benefits comes a cost, their own personal freedoms and goals, as they are born highly loyal to the ark they originate from. Many Armalis would rather die than betray their arkship and it's Auralis. For this reason, they are considered rare outside of arks aside commanding raiders on expeditions. A failsafe is built into the Auralis, similar to modern death implants, designed to dust and turn the body into an ash- so other species cannot study their body completely, or gain significant bionics within the Auralis body.
===Vox Apex===
These Vox are considered the perfect creation of the Auralis, and are powerful in strength, and intelligence. Visually they have a third eye and minimum height of 2.43 meters. They are created with the sole purpose of leadership roles, acting as overseers, fleet commanders, and any critical position inside an ark. They are bulky in size, containing more muscle mass and strength in their giant bodies compared to a Primalis with the ability to easily snap bones or crush arkship walls with ease.
While they are gifted muscular super strength at birth, they are hyper intelligent, able to process multiple tasks without breaking the flow of concentration. With all these benefits comes a cost, their own personal freedoms and goals, as they are born highly loyal to the ark they originate from. Many Armalis would rather die than betray their arkship and it's Auralis. For this reason, they are considered rare outside of arks aside commanding raiders on expeditions. A failsafe is built into the Auralis, similar to modern death implants, designed to dust and turn the body into an ash- so other species cannot study their body completely, or gain significant bionics within the Auralis body.
===Vox Auralis===
The original Vox, having multiple eyes and standing over 12ft tall. They are labeled as gods or higher beings within the ark ships they once built millennia ago. They are rumored to be incredibly dangerous, powerful, and have the most potent psychic abilities in existence. Only a handful of Auralis live aboard arkships and exist in their own secluded chamber in the core of the ark, under miles of thick metallic layers enough to survive even the most devastating explosions. Each Auralis shares the same end goal - ascension, and the ability to escape the mortal plane into what their perceive as a higher level of existence.
No Primalis in their existence has ever seen one aside those in the high ranks of the caste who claim too, and the Armalis. Rumored to be in a deep meditative state as they research and focus on finding their goal, an Auralis will never leave its core, and partake in the society it has created around itself. Speculators and heretics within voxkind claim they have already reached the higher plane, or perished during their endeavors. And with said perish, the true purpose of the Vox species as a whole.

== Biology ==
== Biology ==
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Vox bones are light, porous and very flexible. Vox can turn their heads almost a hundred and twenty degrees to the side due to their long necks. They tend to sway when interested in something, or anxious, and shriek at glass-fracturing volume to drive off attackers.
Vox bones are light, porous and very flexible. Vox can turn their heads almost a hundred and twenty degrees to the side due to their long necks. They tend to sway when interested in something, or anxious, and shriek at glass-fracturing volume to drive off attackers.
===Vox Creation===
When a Vox Primalis is created, its stack is artificially made by the Apex of its respective arkship. Forged with a unique craftsmanship only possible by its scale and precise recipe gifted from the Auralis. It uses organic matter and mechanical implants to fuse and create the stack- a living, durable, and biological immortal brain. There are two species that are artificially made, the Primalis and the Armalis.
When a Vox dies before its set body has reached its decay timer, it will either be replanted inside a new body to continue work. When a Vox dies, it considered a death. When the stack is wiped for reset, or destroyed to the point it is unable to properly function- it is true death, or for simpler terms ego death. This condition is permanent.
===Vox Bodies===
The bodies of a normal Primalis are designed to live for an estimated 40-50 years before showing symptoms of decay or failure. Vox who have decaying bodies will experience symptoms of like chronic back pain, wrinkled skin tissue, and even health issues like organ failure. These issues can be remedied in several different ways, depending on the circumstances and position of the Vox.
A simple solution is to replace the decaying and failing organs with new ones. Harvested from another host and placed inside. This preservation method can be used to keep a vox body sustained for a time. This allows one to continue preserving and using a body as long as they have a source of fresh organs. Other species' organs can work inside but tend to either show health symptoms or fail due to incompatible blood types and alien nature. Cybernetic implants are also a good alternative but are much more expensive, depending on the quality, and merchant one chooses to buy from.
Another method is moving the original stack to a new empty fresh body, discarding the old one, and recycling it to whatever is most convenient. New bodies depending on the circumstances are challenging to obtain. As many vox are dying of decay, accidents, and crime within an arkship, the demand is high while the supply is steady but slow, overpopulation can strain this process. Free vox or those not bound to their arkships must find outside sources to replace their bodies.
A market for vox bodies exists among pirates and traders. Traders usually offer worn-out and partially decayed bodies that were missing organs at a fair price. While pirates usually deal in stolen bodies, taken from raids or conflicts among other vox. The pirates' methods to obtaining bodies consistent of violence and murder, so organ replacement is usually necessary when trading with a pirate. A majority of these merchants are only Vox, given the experience and knowledge in preserving bodies, while also being an incredibly niche market to work within the sector.
Vox bodies are difficult to acquire, as their only manufactured inside Arkships by an Apex. This rare value is why vox treasure their body and preserve it for as long they can live within it, as replacement or alternatives are very lackluster, expensive, or impossible. The price for a body outside of arkships normally tend to charge thousands of credits per body, price depending with size, implants, and quality of age.
===The Stack===
The artificial organ that gives the Vox its unique identity, conscious, and ego. Only able to be created by an Apex, it is one of the most advance pieces of Vox technology, being necessary to continue the creation of the species.
====Stack Integrity====
The general overview of vox's stack. As a vox lives their life of eternity, they may be prone to accidents or possible hazards along their lifetime. These can lead to the death of vox. However, as long as a stack survives, the vox inside lives and can easily be restacked to return to work. While this may be the case, stacks are still prone to taking damage. Anything blunt-related, sharp, or extreme heat exposure, like lasers, can cause true death, meaning the stack is permanently destroyed and only recyclable. Most vox are very careful about avoiding being put into these situations, as being exposed to dangers like these are life-threatening, even if they have an endless supply of bodies.
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|'''1. Full Health:'''</font size>
:<span style="color:green">100% - 90%</span> Pristine and functioning at peak performance. Vox with this level of stack integrity are rare, and typically only found in recently born or repaired stacks.
|'''2. Healthy:'''</font size>
:<span style="color:Olive">90% - 75%</span> Healthy stack integrity. Vox with this level of integrity are considered healthy and functioning normally. Minor issues may arise, but can usually be treated with medication or minor surgery.
|'''3. Moderate:'''</font size>
:<span style="color:orange">75% - 60%</span> Below average stack integrity. Vox with this level of integrity may experience moderate health issues such as difficulty with movement, speech, or cognitive function. Medical attention and surgery may be necessary to maintain functionality.
|'''4. Damaged:'''</font size>
:<span style="color:brown">60% - 40%</span> Poor stack integrity. Vox with this level of integrity may have severe health issues such as loss of motor functions, memory loss, or sensory impairment. True death may occur if not treated promptly with extensive surgery or replacement of damaged nerve ends.
|'''5. True Death:'''</font size>
:<span style="color:red">40% - 0%</span> Critical stack integrity. Vox with this level of integrity are in danger of true death, as a significant portion of their stack is permanently damaged or destroyed. They may have lost essential functions such as movement or communication, and medical intervention may be insufficient to prevent true death.
====Insight of the Stack====
The Ego and imprints inside a Vox are random. While the stack is artificially made and created with usually a designation in mind before being put into a body, personality can have more factors during the growing period when a Vox is learning its place in society. Environment, Hazards, and Other Vox, are all factors in the outcome of how the Vox behaves.
In Vox society, the integrity and preservation of stacks are of utmost importance.
The cortical stack also indicates a Vox's status and identity within the caste system. The integrity and quality of a stack can impact an individual's role, responsibilities, and privileges. As such, the health of a stack is closely monitored and maintained to ensure the proper functioning of the societal hierarchy. Furthermore, the stack is pivotal in Vox's loyalty to their arkships and devotion to their respective roles. Through the stacks, a sense of collective identity and purpose is imbued in the Vox population, ensuring their unwavering commitment to their society's objectives. The cortical stacks serve as the foundation of the Vox society by preserving their memories, experiences, and consciousness while reinforcing the societal hierarchy and loyalty. The importance of maintaining stack integrity cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts the survival and prosperity of the Vox species.
====Stack Taboo====
Lastly, there is one taboo in Vox society that many see as evil or sins against their kind, the destruction of a stack through murder, resulting in true death. Many gangs and criminals avoid destroying stacks to reduce pressure or heat from local authorities. However, this does not mean that murder intending to cause true death is impossible. Some Vox can grow jealous of others and their living conditions, disputes about food and work imbalances, territory wars between rival Primalis gangs in slum sectors, and maybe even cutthroat bureaucracy to gain more in society by removing roadblocks. A vox caught guilty of murdering another may have their rations reduced, demoted to a lower caste like a slave, or repositioned to another sector. A vox caught guilty of murder resulting in the true death of their kin will always be reset and given the ultimate punishment. True death.
== Social ==
Vox culture is fragmented depending on caste, location inside of the world, and even beliefs. Many arkships all house a similar style of systems inside their societies designed to separate the masses from the elites. These parameters and even barriers can result in a difference in belief from how you, a Vox, would adapt and learn. However, arkships are relatively flexible in their designs. These are mostly limited by the creator's imagination and the already set parameters of vox society as a whole. Even with said parameters, you can be flexible about the idea of an ark you choose to make or borrow from someone else's designed arkship.
Arkships are rather ruthless in their authority and their systems. All towns and sectors within the ark are governed like districts. Either by a high-casting Armalis or subsidiary Primalis who always work as a proxy to an overseer. Each sector controls and functions in tangent with The Core to sustain life support and ensure the ark is stable. In the case of no active Auralis, Armalis are usually the head of these sectors and work together as a senate to maximize and control the Primalis.
===Naming Schemes===
Vox naming is tied heavily into their species language of screeches and shrieks. Composed of primarily voiceless velar and voiceless alveolar plosives, the names are a combination of words within the language created by Vox based on their setting or background. There are two distinct naming schemes for Vox to choose from. Clan based naming scheme, or individualistic that only the naming vox understands.
Clan based naming Vox utilize a combination of physical or mental features, the name of the clan in question aboard their original arkship, and a short unique sound. For instance: A vox can name themselves Ka-Ke-Kori or Kakekori to translate into, Vicious-Darting-Minnow. 'Vicious' is the formative physical or mental feature, 'Darting' is the prefix of the clan name aboard the ark, and 'Minnow' is the modifier sound. This naming scheme is reserved for vox who are considered worthy of their clan affiliation and have earned such achievement by showing loyalty and devotion to their designation. Commonly used by those proudly still aligned with their home arkship.
*Kakekori (Ka-Ke-Kori) (Vicious-Darting-Minnow)
*Kiyaka (Ki-Yaka) (Kind-Drifters)
*Teke-ko (Teke-Ko) (Intelligent-Watcher)
Second to this are their encrypted names. These names are one of the more unique and hidden aspects only known to the Vox speaking them. This complication is sometimes inherently done to feel unique, and confused translation to even those within vox society. Mixed naming can sound similar to clan based names, however the deeper context is changed, with a focus on individuality instead of adopting a group style name. A vox can name themselves Kotokikiya which at first can sound exactly like a clan name, but upon further context has zero affiliation to a clan. Instead Koto-Kiki-Ya is based on the Vox and its choice of meaning for words.
This allows vox to have some control over their identity, and essentially always keep their name secretive. 'Koto' could translate to Friendly, or Bitter, and even Sorrow, making it always be a mystery as to what each combination of words have meaning. This type of naming is usually done by low caste Vox who choose to pick a title instead of their designated serial number. Most who grow to further benefit their arks abandoned the names in favor of more sophisticated clan names, however those who perceive individuality and grow estranged from arkships value the freedom of their naming more.
*Kotokikiya (Koto-Kiki-Ya) (???-???-???)
*Takayaya (Taka-Yaya) (???-???)
===Arkship Life===
Once a vox inside of an ark is successfully created, their given a designation to work under, and taught the Inviolate. They follow it like a gospel until their unforeseeable promotion or demotion. If they're lucky, they can climb the ranks of their starting designation's caste in society and reach a new social level that gives more opportunity and authority from their previous position.
Suppose a sector fails to meet standards or is underperforming. In that case, the punishment can result from demotion to a lower caste position like slave or sector wipes- in which a percentage of the vox are executed and reset to avoid deviancy, as well as sending a message that failure is non-negotiable. However, if most work is completed ahead of time or tasks are in low demand Vox of lower caste slack off or avoid work, doing whatever they wish inside the bounds of the Inviolate. In that, they socialize with each, do productive activities, explore and exercise, and practice their designation.
===Designations and The Caste===
Designations however are something every Vox should have because their species as a whole was designed to be nothing but tools for the Auralis in upkeeping their ships. Vox are born to have a set of duties and tasks aboard their arkship and their societies since birth. There is no childhood for a Vox, no long lasting innonence, and no sort of free choice to what roles they are allowed to become. They are placed into a caste system inside their species and forced to work until their restack day (death of the body.) These ranks can however differ depending on arkship, and culture inside the society. Some arkships are probably more lax on work quotas, while others are extremely punishing that failure to meet standards can result in true death. When it comes to the caste system there is usually a divide between ranks and hierarchy. The most base form would be the high caste, mid caste, and low caste.
However a Vox does not need to be forced to follow the roles it is given at birth. Some Vox can turn deviant after years of struggle, lack of direction, and possible PTSD. With deviancy comes its own issues of crime. While this is the case it is still common for a majority of Vox to not stray far from their birth designations, as many believe that hard work and sacrifice will be rewarded after ascension.
The caste system within Vox society plays a crucial role in maintaining order, stability, and efficiency within arkships. Each caste, High, Mid, and Low, serves specific purposes and carries out distinct functions. In this chapter, we will delve deeper into the roles and responsibilities of each caste, while many of the listed roles provide good context as to their duties and the purpose of the primalis, you can be creative and make something that fits into the scenario similar to the examples below.
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====High Caste====
Valuable Primalis that have lived for around 1000 years aboard their arkships, High Caste Vox are extremely loyal to their master apex and the Armalis’ great goal of ascension. Restacked probably hundreds of times, they are dogmatically devoted to their work and kin, leading to them being rewarded greatly with a high position in society. Most Primalis are taught to respect and follow in the footsteps of the high caste, and those who arouse the wrath of the High Caste may be labled as heretics or accused of deviancy. Some roles of a high caste are Second Command to Fleet squads, and even Sectoral overseer roles.
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Serving as high authority figures, Overseers are either Armalis commanding a sector or high caste Primalis fulfilling the role. They function as governors or mayors within their respective jurisdictions, ensuring stability, smooth production, and proper execution of orders among the Vox population. Their responsibilities include maintaining the overall well-being of their sector, addressing issues that arise, and allocating resources to ensure the prosperity and safety of their domain.
Quills are the skilled pilots and navigators of the Vox fleet. Trained in various flight techniques and adept at operating different spacecraft, they ensure the safe and efficient transport of passengers, cargo, and military assets across the vast expanse of space. Their expertise is crucial for the success of exploration missions, resource acquisition, and military operations, making them an essential component of the Vox society.
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====Mid Caste====
Niche specialized Vox who are born with higher benefits then their lower caste kin. While they are given much more rights and authority, they still are under the watchful eye of their sector overseer or fleet commander. They act as a buffer between the elites and the menial drones, tasked with more difficult work or dangerous duties only done by their caste. Some Primalis view mid caste as examples of loyalty being rewarded, while others see them as nothing more than tools or slaves who only look out for their own benefit. There are multiple types of designations inside the mid caste- these are not limited to; Soldiers, Explorers, Bio-Engineers, and etc.
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'''War Drone'''
War Drones serve as the main combat force within the Vox society, acting as navy soldiers authorized to work alongside Talons and Quills in fleets outside the ark. Trained in various forms of combat and skilled in the protection of the arkship and its inhabitants, they play a critical role in defending their territory and maintaining the safety of their fellow Vox, as well as being escorts for expedition missions.
'''Bio Engineer Drone'''
As medical professionals for the low to mid caste Vox, Bio Engineer Drones are responsible for treating injuries, illnesses, and ensuring the well-being of their patients. Their medical expertise is invaluable for the health and welfare of the Vox population.
'''Explorer Drone'''
Tasked with venturing into uncharted territories, Explorer Drones gather information, conduct reconnaissance missions, and explore new regions on behalf of their arkship. Their reports and insights provide valuable intelligence to their superiors, aiding in strategic planning and decision-making. As pioneers of the unknown, Explorer Drones contribute significantly to the expansion and understanding of the Vox's domain.
'''Merchant Drone'''
Engaged in trade and commerce, Merchant Drones facilitate the exchange of goods and services within the arkship's economy. They operate shops, trade hubs, and marketplaces, negotiating prices and deals to keep the economy thriving and resources flowing efficiently.
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====Low Caste====
Called by their higher caste kin as a general term drones. The purpose of a low caste Vox is rather simple in their duties and their authority inside the arkship. Most low caste are born into the bottom during the early age of their stack to develop and show growth in their lifetime. They work many of the general duties that upkeep the ark and keep the figurative blood of society flowing. They are usually the most numerous as it takes a large amount of Primalis to upkeep a planet sized arkship and maintain the always expanding society. Many low caste however tend to grow deviancy due to inexperience, mob mentality, and their living conditions, most usually having ambitious dreams to go higher in the caste, have power in their sectors, or escape the arkship in pursuit of free rights. Roles that are commonly found for low caste are, not limited to Industrial, Slave, and any wanted Vox considered rogue (Deviants.)
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'''Industrial Drone'''
Industrial Drones work diligently in various industries within the arkship, playing a vital role in the production and manufacturing of goods and services. From assembling components for spacecraft to refining raw materials for energy production, their skills contribute to the ongoing prosperity of the Vox society.
'''Cleaning Drone'''
As the caretakers of cleanliness and hygiene within the arkship, Cleaning Drones play a crucial role in preserving the living conditions for all Vox. They maintain the cleanliness of residential areas, public spaces, and work environments, preventing the spread of disease and ensuring the overall health and well-being of the Vox population.
Rogue or heretical Vox who have turned to crime or abandoned their duties in pursuit of their own goals, Deviants are considered wanted once exposed. They often operate in the black market or join separatist groups, engaging in activities such as smuggling contraband, causing riots, damaging arkship infrastructure, or attempting to escape the ark to become free Vox. Despite their rebellious nature, their actions sometimes spark much-needed change or bring hidden issues to light within the Vox society.

===The Inviolate===
===The Inviolate===
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* Preserve materials.
* Preserve materials.
* Adapt and expand to all circumstances.
* Adapt and expand to all circumstances.
Arkships are the home and birthplace of all Vox in the universe. All Vox originate from an ark, but many have their own sets of rules, beliefs, and culture, while still having some of the same original principles from millennia ago. While not all arkships are the same, they all follow a similar formula in their structure and society, with a caste system that is either very oppressive or freer to its Vox. There are a reported 20 confirmed arkships in existence. However, some speculate there are more hidden in deep space, a majority of them taking the position of isolationism to focus on the creator's primary goal of ascension.
They have naming schemes like Refuge of Lost Souls Searching the Stars, Soaring Kestrel on Troubled Skies, or even Arkship Sunborn Sanctuary of Mended Hopes, Hardened by Cosmic Sands, Esteemed Heart of the Sanguine Void, Wizened by Victories, of Many Trees and Branches. Naming of arkships are rather long and expressive.
While having their own culture, beliefs, and authority, arkships are not very similar to each other in most regards. This difference in ideology has caused what most say is a hidden war inside vox society- from inside influences and outside ones. Arkships that have a rivalry with each other tend to attempt to sabotage one another. This can be spies and traitors sent to abduct and capture vox for their ark. Destroying infrastructures like life support or hull breaches and fueling and inciting rebellions, causing a wave of deviancy to damage the ark's stability. These arks are usually at war and rarely ever settled diplomatically during the war. Wars can last for thousands of years until both parties have acknowledged a cease-fire.
Some arkships are not at odds with each other, usually sharing a sense of neutrality and occasionally trading for supplies, amenities, and even slave drones to bolster and replace numbers. Arks commonly travel in different areas of space, and the most interaction they get are traders and small explorer fleets sent by the home ark.
To describe what an arkship is, it's a giant floating vessel the size of a small planet built to house millions of Vox aboard it. It's compromised of many sectors, all with their functions to keep life support and the ship stable.

