
Generic chaplain.png Chaplain.png
Access: Chapel office, Morgue, Crematorium, Theater
Additional Access: N/A
Difficulty: Easy
Supervisors: Head of Personnel
Duties: Preach the word of [insert deity], hold funerals, aid security against supernatural threats, and more.
Guides: No external guides.
Quote: Have you heard the word of our lord and savior, Carp'Sie?

As a chaplain you would ideally proselytize whatever crazy religion you've made up for that round over your headset. However, besides your office, the hellish crematorium next to it, the theater backstage, and the rarely used morgue, you have no access.

Bare minimum requirements: Know how to deal with the various supernatural threats that afflict the station.

Holy Artifacts

In your possession are several important items, including your Holy Book and the Null Rod. These items are powerful and should be kept in your possession at all times.

Holy Book

You have to set the name of your god and religion in the Character Setup window before the round starts, else you will be stuck with whatever the default is. The first time you interact with your book in a round, you can set its skin. Even without changing its skin, stored within is a bottle of whiskey. It's also recommended to store the holy water flask on your person.

Hitting somebody in the head with your Bible has a 60% chance to heal them and a 40% chance to give them 10 brain damage, unless the victim congregant is wearing robust headgear (helmets, certain hats, and any child of the helmet class.) You can even revive people who are in critical condition! But if you use the ability a lot, you will start to see diminishing returns, with a higher chance to cause brain damage, and a lower amount of damage healed.

- It should be noted that your book cannot be used by the non-believers, meaning: If someone steals your book and attempts to brain somebody over the head with it, the book will sizzle in that persons hands. However, others CAN access the content of the book itself.

Null Rod

Note that all null rods can be put in your special armors. Likely to be removed: Unholy blessing, force weapon, dormant spellblade, nautical energy sword, unholy pitchfork, possessed sword, unreal sord, egyptian staff

Weapon Damage Notes
Null Rod
18 brute
10 brute (thrown)
The classic and default.
Because it's a tiny item, it can fit in pockets.
God Hand
18 burn
Can't be thrown
It cannot be put down.
Chainsaw Hand
18 brute
Can't be thrown
It is sharp. It cannot be put down.
Unholy and Dark Blessing
18 brute
Can't be thrown
They are sharp. They cannot be put down.
Holy Claymore
Dark Blade
Sacred Chainsaw Sword
Force Weapon
Hanzo Steel
18 brute
10 brute (thrown)
They are sharp. They can only be worn on the back or on the belt. They have 30 block chance, but 0 against projectiles.
Dark Energy Sword
Light Energy Sword
Nautical Energy Sword
18 brute
10 brute (thrown)
Unlike normal energy swords, these cannot be retracted. They inherit the stats of the holy claymore (sharpness, only back/belt storage, and 30 block chance except against projectiles).
Extradimensional Blade
1 to 30 brute, randomized
10 brute (thrown)
Identical to holy claymore, except for damage and sprite.
Red and Blue Holy Staff
5 brute
10 brute (thrown)
They have a shield conferring 30 block chance onto the user.
Reaper Scythe
High-Frequency Blade
Dormant Spellblade
18 brute
10 brute (thrown)
They only fit on the back. They have 35 armor penetration. They are sharp.
Possessed Blade
18 brute
10 brute (thrown)
Identical to the scythes, apart from being able to summon a ghost into it to rename the item and talk. That's it.
18 brain damage
10 brain damage (thrown)
It has 35 armor penetration.
Relic War Hammer
18 brute
10 brute (thrown)
It can only fit on the belt.
Pride-Struck Hammer
16 brute
15 brute (thrown)
It can only fit on the back.
Clown Dagger
18 brute
10 brute (thrown)
It is sharp.
Holy Whip
18 brute
10 brute (thrown)
It can only fit on the belt. It deals double damage against vampires.
Atheist's Fedora
0 brute
30 brute (thrown)
It is a tiny item and can also be worn on the head. It is sharp.
Carp-Sie Plushie
15 brute
10 brute (thrown)
It is a tiny item. Attacking yourself will made wild space carp non-hostile.
Monk's Staff
15 brute
10 brute (thrown)
It is blunt. It can only fit on the back. It has a block chance of 40, but 0 against projectiles.
Arrhythmic Knife
18 brute
10 brute (thrown)
It cannot be put anywhere. It is sharp. It will cause your speed to randomly and wildly fluctuate while held.
Unholy Pitchfork
18 brute
10 brute (thrown)
It is a normal item. It is sharp.
Egyptian Staff
18 brute
10 brute (thrown)
It is a normal item.
Bronze Spear
18 brute
15 brute (thrown)
It can fit in the belt. It has 25 armor penetration. It is sharp.
Special - See right

Armaments Beacon

Altar of Gods


Individual chaplains are free to invent their own specific rituals, but there are some matters shared across all types of chaplain, such as:

  • Funerals – You have a stock of coffins, burial garments, a mass driver, and a crematorium. To properly "bury" someone, strip them of all of their equipment (save for their ID), set those off to the side or return it to the departed's former department, dress them in the burial garments, and put them in a coffin. From here, you may hold a proper funeral in the chapel (be sure to announce it over the radio in advance) and have someone (or a few people) perform an eulogy, after which you should either use the mass driver to launch the coffin into space or cremate the body and put the resulting ashes in an urn from the ChapDrobe.
  • Psychological care – While this is intended to be the role of the Psychiatrist, one might not be on the station or some may prefer your help. This can include counseling, pharmaceutical remedies (consult the chemist), and confessions. For confessions specifically, you and the confessor enter separate rooms and switch on the radio terminals. Most crew members rarely. if ever submit to psychological care of their own initiative; offer to help when someone looks troubled. Prisoners are most often in need of attention.
  • Church Services – Give sermons and sing hymns. You can create a hymnal by writing a YouTube link or even the song code on a piece of paper and ask the Curator to print and bind spare copies. Note that the chapel, on most maps, isn't a high-traffic area, so announce it over the radio in advance.
  • Proselytizing – Most crew members are godless heathens; acquiring followers for your god(s) is your first priority. When you convince someone to join the church, you can perform a ritual of initiation, which can be anything from reciting an oath to drinking something to even public humiliation. Note that for more extreme rituals, you should check with your god(s) to see if you can perform them without facing their wrath.

Propitiating the Gods

The Pray command is like an adminhelp, but is IC, and should be worded deferentially (e.g. "Oh Great and Wise Pelor, please grant your humble servant...). It is advised that you only pray later in the round; the gods have a habit of ignoring early prayers. You can increase your divine favor by making a sacrifice to your god(s) of choice; you can do this any number of ways (it is wise to state what you have sacrificed in your prayer). Prayers are more likely to be answered if they are somehow thematically appropriate: wishing for an RCD for no apparent reason is unlikely to be fulfilled, but praying for, say, a divine mission or the tools to complete such are more amusing to the gods.

You have candles and crayons in your locker. Candles can be set anywhere and lit (they eventually burn down). Crayons can be used to draw runes (commonly placed in front of the podium), as well as graffiti (not really your style) and letters (allowing you to write out messages across the ground).

Do not expect any prayers to be answered. Gods are fickle beings. Nobody knows what they are going to do next in their great designs.

You vs the Forces of Evil

Even as the most divine person on the station, remember: you are a civilian, not a Security Officer. As such, most "mundane" threats such as Syndicate spies, disgruntled employees, or warring gangs aren't matters you should involve yourself in. However, for supernatural threats, you're suddenly the expert.

Note that for almost all supernatural threats, a large stock of holy water will be useful, as the flask provided in the chapel only contains 100 units and religious supply crates from cargo contain only a single flask each. Luckily, the process of making holy water is much simpler than in reality: just attack a container containing water with a bible and it will be blessed, turning all the water inside into holy water.

In addition, holy water can be used to bless tiles, denying dark spirits from teleporting onto them. You can tell if a tile is blessed if it glows yellow after a short delay. Generally, you should only bless areas likely to be attacked, such as the Bridge or AI Satellite/Core.


In spite of how they may otherwise differ, fighting against blood and clockwork cultists tends to be fairly similar. Although you could wait for them to become a real problem and attack with security, it's generally better to stop the problem before it starts. That is, to have security arrest cultists, deconvert them using holy water, and optionally implant them with a mindshield to prevent reconversion.

Your null rod does 45 extra damage against the constructs of blood cults. It can also be used to cleanse their runes.




... And More

If your god(s) hate you enough, you may also encounter a Revenant, an undead ghost creature that wants your souls. Again, your null rod is incredibly robust against these creatures.


  • Certain religion names will give you a custom bible name. Otherwise, it is simply titled "The Holy Book of [Religion]".
    • For example, setting your religion to Hinduism will name it "The Vedas", while setting it to Christianity will name it "The Holy Bible". Feel free to experiment with different names/words to see what they result in or check the file for a full list.
  • Your bible doesn't just store bottles of booze. It can actually hold a great deal of things, from decks of cards to food to even certain null rods.
  • Due to the Mass Driver working on just about anything that can fit on top of it, some may want to use it for exploring space to quickly reach distant ruins.

The Inquisition

As a traitor,

  • The chapel is out of the way on most stations. Thus, unless you're suspected of a crime, you're not likely to be routinely visited. You can attract
  • You start with not only the null rod,
  • The morgue tray in the crematorium can store many items, making it a good place to hide stuff. However, if something that isn't a body is inside, its light will visibly change color.
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