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|[[File:Panacea.png|64px]]||'''Anatomic Panacea'''||Cures the changeling of disabilities, radiation, and toxins. Generally covers the things that Fleshmend doesn't; it can be used to purge the poison that the chemist just shot you up with, or to get rid of that debilitating mutation from an absorbed identity. Can also remove alien larvae. Usable while unconscious. '''Do not use if you are a slimeperson.'''||30||1
|[[File:Panacea.png|64px]]||'''Anatomic Panacea'''||Cures the changeling of disabilities, radiation, and toxins. Generally covers the things that Fleshmend doesn't; it can be used to purge the poison that the chemist just shot you up with, or to get rid of that debilitating mutation from an absorbed identity. Can also remove alien larvae. Usable while unconscious. '''Do not use if you are a slimeperson.'''||30||1
|[[File:armblade_changeling.png|64px]]||'''Arm Blade'''||Reforms one of the changeling's arms into a grotesque blade made out of bone and flesh. The arm blade does 25 damage per hit with significant wound bonuses and can be retracted. However, it is visible on your body and a dead giveaway to onlookers and silicons that you are a changeling. It can also be used to pry open doors when on harm intent (powered ones will take longer).||20||2
|[[File:armblade_changeling.png|64px]]||'''Arm Blade'''||Reforms one of the changeling's arms into a grotesque blade made out of bone and flesh. The arm blade does 25 damage per hit with significant wound bonuses and can be retracted. However, it is visible on your body and a dead giveaway to onlookers and silicons that you are a changeling. It can also be used to pry open doors when combat mode is on (powered ones will take longer).||20||2
|[[File:Augmented_eyesight.png|64px]]||'''Augmented Eyesight'''||The changeling evolves additional features in their eyes, giving them a toggleable night-vision and thermal-vision mode. The changeling will become more vulnerable to flash-based devices while this ability is active. While it's inactive, it will instead protect you from flashes and bright lights, such as welders. This cannot be detected by normal means.||0||2
|[[File:Augmented_eyesight.png|64px]]||'''Augmented Eyesight'''||The changeling evolves additional features in their eyes, giving them a toggleable night-vision and thermal-vision mode. The changeling will become more vulnerable to flash-based devices while this ability is active. While it's inactive, it will instead protect you from flashes and bright lights, such as welders. This cannot be detected by normal means.||0||2
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|[[File:Strained_muscles.png|64px]]||'''Strained Muscles'''||The changeling reduces lactic acid build-up in their leg muscles, allowing them to move at extremely fast speeds. While active, the changeling will take steadily incrementing stamina damage and eventually pass out, if he doesn't take a rest. Cannot be used with Adrenaline Sacs.||0||1
|[[File:Strained_muscles.png|64px]]||'''Strained Muscles'''||The changeling reduces lactic acid build-up in their leg muscles, allowing them to move at extremely fast speeds. While active, the changeling will take steadily incrementing stamina damage and eventually pass out, if he doesn't take a rest. Cannot be used with Adrenaline Sacs.||0||1
|[[File:Tentacle_Button.png|64px]]||'''Tentacle'''||Reforms one of the changeling's arms into a tentacle. This tentacle can be fired towards a target, with different effects depending on your intent. If it hits something, the tentacle is used up; otherwise, it can be reused after a short cooldown.<br>'''Targeting an item:''' Grabs the item and throws it in your hand.<br>'''Help intent:''' Grabs the mob and pulls it towards the changeling, without any additional effect.<br>'''Disarm intent:''' If the mob has any item in hand, that item will be pulled away and put into the changeling's hand, otherwise it has no effect.<br>'''Grab intent:''' Grabs the mob and pulls it towards the changeling, aggressively grabbing it once it lands.<br>'''Harm intent:''' Grabs the mob and pulls it towards the changeling. If the changeling is also holding a sharp weapon, it'll automatically stab the mob on landing, ignoring armor.||10||2
|[[File:Tentacle_Button.png|64px]]||'''Tentacle'''||Reforms one of the changeling's arms into a tentacle. This tentacle can be fired towards a target, with different effects depending on whether combat mode is on or off. If it hits something, the tentacle is used up; otherwise, it can be reused after a short cooldown.<br>'''Targeting an item:''' Grabs the item and throws it in your hand.<br>'''Combat mode off:''' Grabs the mob and pulls it towards the changeling, without any additional effect.<br>'''Right click with combat mode on:''' If the mob has any item in hand, that item will be pulled away and put into the changeling's hand, otherwise it has no effect.<br>'''Attack with Combat Mode on:''' Grabs the mob and pulls it towards the changeling. If the changeling is also holding a sharp weapon, it'll automatically stab the mob on landing, ignoring armor.||10||2
|[[File:Sting_transform.png|64px]]||'''Transformation Sting'''||The changeling injects a retrovirus that forces its victim to transform into another person for ten minutes. When extracting the sting, the changeling can choose which of the DNAs in storage it wishes to use. Effective for spreading confusion or forcing certain species' weaknesses onto a subject.||20||1
|[[File:Sting_transform.png|64px]]||'''Transformation Sting'''||The changeling injects a retrovirus that forces its victim to transform into another person for ten minutes. When extracting the sting, the changeling can choose which of the DNAs in storage it wishes to use. Effective for spreading confusion or forcing certain species' weaknesses onto a subject.||20||1